last updated: 2013-07-25
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Environment and pre-requisites

This short how-to guide is intended to support building binary packages for Windows platform accordingly to OSGeo4W specifications.
You simply need the following components as pre-requisites:

Step 1) building FreeXL

FreeXL is an utility library implementing read-access for Excel (.xls) spreadsheets
Depends on: iconv
Required by: spatialite cd freexl-1.0.0e
nmake /f
nmake /f install

The very basic and crude install performed in the previous step now requires few post-processing steps. And now you are finally ready to install into the final destination: simply copy all files from bin, include and lib into the corresponding folders you'll find on C:\OSGeo4W

Step 2) building libsqlite

libsqlite is the library iimplementing the SQLite DBMS engine
Depends on: nothing
Required by: spatialite cd sqlite-amalgamation-3071700
nmake /f
nmake /f install

Now you are finally ready to install into the final destination:

Step 3) building libxml2

libxml2 is the well known XML parser of Gnome.
Depends on: zlib, zlib-dev, iconv
Required by: spatialite
cd libxml2-2.9.1\win32
cscript configure.js compiler=msvc prefix=c:\osgeo-pack\new\libxml2-2.9.1-1 iconv=yes zlib=yes include=c:\osgeo4w\include lib=c:\osgeo4w\lib
nmake /f Makefile.msvc
nmake /f Makefile.msvc install

You are now required to perform few post-processing steps. And now you are finally ready to install into the final destination: simply copy all files from bin, include and lib into the corresponding folders you'll find on C:\OSGeo4W

Step 4) building libspatialite

libspatialite is the main core of SpatiaLite
Depends on: iconv, proj, geos, freexl, libxml2
Required by: gdal, qgis and others OSGeo4W packages cd sqlite-amalgamation-3071700
nmake /f
nmake /f install

Post-processing steps to be applied now: And now you are finally ready to install into the final destination: simply copy all files from bin, include and lib into the corresponding folders you'll find on C:\OSGeo4W


We'll be finally able to set up the OSGeoW updated packages. cd C:/osgeo-pack/new
tar jcvf ./freexl-1.0.0e-1.tar.bz2 ./freexl-1.0.0e-1
tar jcvf ./sqlite3-3.7.17-1.tar.bz2 ./sqlite3-3.7.17-1
tar jcvf ./libxml2-2.9.1-1.tar.bz2 ./libxml2-2.8.1-1
tar jcvf ./spatialite-4.1.1-1.tar.bz2 ./spatialite-4.1.1-1

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last updated: 2013-07-25