This is a sample C source showing how to manipulate GEOMETRY within
Spatialite. It essentially follows on from the functionality shown in the demo1.c example, and covers:
Note that this does not require a database command line argument. Here is a typical run:
$ ./demo2 step#1: POINT Dimension=0 IsValid=1 POINT 0/1 x=1.5000 y=2.7500 step#2: LINESTRING Dimension=1 IsValid=1 LINESTRING 0/1 has 5 vertices vertex 0/5 x=1.0000 y=1.0000 vertex 1/5 x=2.0000 y=1.0000 vertex 2/5 x=2.0000 y=2.0000 vertex 3/5 x=100.0000 y=2.0000 vertex 4/5 x=100.0000 y=100.0000 step#3: POLYGON Dimension=2 IsValid=1 POLYGON 0/1 has 2 holes ExteriorRing has 5 vertices vertex 0/5 x=0.0000 y=0.0000 vertex 1/5 x=50.0000 y=0.0000 vertex 2/5 x=50.0000 y=50.0000 vertex 3/5 x=0.0000 y=50.0000 vertex 4/5 x=0.0000 y=0.0000 InteriorRing 0/2 has 5 vertices vertex 0/5 x=40.0000 y=40.0000 vertex 1/5 x=41.0000 y=40.0000 vertex 2/5 x=41.0000 y=41.0000 vertex 3/5 x=40.0000 y=41.0000 vertex 4/5 x=40.0000 y=40.0000 InteriorRing 1/2 has 5 vertices vertex 0/5 x=30.0000 y=30.0000 vertex 1/5 x=31.0000 y=30.0000 vertex 2/5 x=31.0000 y=31.0000 vertex 3/5 x=30.0000 y=31.0000 vertex 4/5 x=30.0000 y=30.0000 step#4: MULTIPOINT Dimension=0 IsValid=1 POINT 0/5 x=5.0000 y=5.0000 POINT 1/5 x=15.0000 y=5.0000 POINT 2/5 x=5.0000 y=15.0000 POINT 3/5 x=25.0000 y=5.0000 POINT 4/5 x=5.0000 y=25.0000 step#5: MULTILINESTRING Dimension=1 IsValid=1 LINESTRING 0/2 has 2 vertices vertex 0/2 x=30.0000 y=10.0000 vertex 1/2 x=10.0000 y=30.0000 LINESTRING 1/2 has 2 vertices vertex 0/2 x=40.0000 y=50.0000 vertex 1/2 x=50.0000 y=40.0000 step#6: MULTIPOLYGON Dimension=2 IsValid=1 POLYGON 0/2 has 0 holes ExteriorRing has 5 vertices vertex 0/5 x=60.0000 y=60.0000 vertex 1/5 x=70.0000 y=60.0000 vertex 2/5 x=70.0000 y=70.0000 vertex 3/5 x=60.0000 y=70.0000 vertex 4/5 x=60.0000 y=60.0000 POLYGON 1/2 has 0 holes ExteriorRing has 5 vertices vertex 0/5 x=80.0000 y=80.0000 vertex 1/5 x=90.0000 y=80.0000 vertex 2/5 x=90.0000 y=90.0000 vertex 3/5 x=80.0000 y=90.0000 vertex 4/5 x=80.0000 y=80.0000 step#7: GEOMETRYCOLLECTION Dimension=2 IsValid=1 POINT 0/2 x=100.0000 y=100.0000 POINT 1/2 x=100.0000 y=0.0000 LINESTRING 0/2 has 2 vertices vertex 0/2 x=130.0000 y=110.0000 vertex 1/2 x=110.0000 y=130.0000 LINESTRING 1/2 has 2 vertices vertex 0/2 x=140.0000 y=150.0000 vertex 1/2 x=150.0000 y=140.0000 POLYGON 0/2 has 0 holes ExteriorRing has 5 vertices vertex 0/5 x=160.0000 y=160.0000 vertex 1/5 x=170.0000 y=160.0000 vertex 2/5 x=170.0000 y=170.0000 vertex 3/5 x=160.0000 y=170.0000 vertex 4/5 x=160.0000 y=160.0000 POLYGON 1/2 has 0 holes ExteriorRing has 5 vertices vertex 0/5 x=180.0000 y=180.0000 vertex 1/5 x=190.0000 y=180.0000 vertex 2/5 x=190.0000 y=190.0000 vertex 3/5 x=180.0000 y=190.0000 vertex 4/5 x=180.0000 y=180.0000 step#8: checking WKT representations GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(1.5 2.75)) GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 100 2, 100 100)) GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((0 0, 50 0, 50 50, 0 50, 0 0), (40 40, 41 40, 41 41, 40 41, 40 40), (30 30, 31 30, 31 31, 30 31, 30 30))) GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(5 5), POINT(15 5), POINT(5 15), POINT(25 5), POINT(5 25)) GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(30 10, 10 30), LINESTRING(40 50, 50 40)) GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((60 60, 70 60, 70 70, 60 70, 60 60)), POLYGON((80 80, 90 80, 90 90, 80 90, 80 80))) GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(100 100), POINT(100 0), LINESTRING(130 110, 110 130), LINESTRING(140 150, 150 140), POLYGON((160 160, 170 160, 170 170, 160 170, 160 160)), POLYGON((180 180, 190 180, 190 190, 180 190, 180 180)))