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librasterlite2 is an open source library that stores and retrieves huge raster coverages using a SpatiaLite DBMS.

Important notice: this is a brand new project intended to completely replace the superseded librasterlite.
The two projects are completely unrelated: the unique similarity between both is just in covering the same identical application area.

License: librasterlite2 (the library itself) is licensed under the MPL tri-license terms; you are free to choose the best-fit license between:

Please note well: anyway the tools supporting the library (both rl2tool and wmslite are licensed under the GPL v3 (or any subsequent version) terms.
Strictly related projects:
Sources: current testing version is 1.1.0-beta1 (released on 2020-08-24)
Documentation and tutorials
Development of RasterLite2 1.0.0 has been funded by Tuscany Region - Territorial and Environmental Information System
Regione Toscana - Settore Sistema Informativo Territoriale ed Ambientale.