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Draping Geometries over DEM/DTM raster grids
How to transform 2D Geometries into 3D ones

A quick introduction

Extrapolating an elevation value (aka Z-coordinate) is straightforward simple in the case of POINT Geometries.

We simply have to precisely identify which specific cell of the raster grid is overlapped by the Point.
The Z-coord to be set into the Point is the Elevation value assigned to this cell.

So, in the example shown by the side figure, Z=121.88 will be set for Point Pt.
Unhappily things become a little bit more difficult in the case of LINESTRING or POLYGON Geometries.

In both this cases we can still continue to adopt the same approach adopted for POINT; we are just required to iteratively loop on each Vertex.
But this way, as exemplified by the side figure, we'll get a straight segment connecting V1 to V2 that crosses many cells in the raster grid.

If we'll simply ignore at all such cells we'll risk to introduce some kind of information suppression.
This can easily cause an unwanted degradation in the accuracy of the interpolated Z-coords, and this surely isn't a good thing.
Base Segment
Just to understand better the problem:
  • If we just consider a straight segment V1-V2 we'll wrongly assume that the elevation profile has a constant slope.
    (as shown by case a) on the side figure)
  • But the actual elevation profile of the underlaying surface could easily be completely different and much more articulated.
    (as shown by cases b) and c) on the side figure)
  • Conclusion: we definitely need a more sophisticated approach when draping LINESTRINGs and POLYGONs.
    One safely ensuring to be absolutely sure to never suppress any relevant information about Elevations available from the raster grid.
The solution is rather simple:
  • We just need to preliminary densify our LINESTRING or POLYGON Geometries by interpolating more Vertices at regular intervals.
    In other words, we must always call ST_Segmentize() before draping our geometries over the DEM/DTM grid.
  • Such interpolated Vertices should ideally ensure that every relevant cell on the raster grid will be effectively overlapped.
    And accordingly to the Shannon sampling theorem the optimal length limit to be passed to ST_Segmentize() is half of the cell size.


  • Huge Geometries presenting a very high number of Vertices are usually very slow to be evaluated by SQL Functions such as ST_Intersects etc.
  • So we must necessarily simplify all draped geometries in the post-processing steps.
    This is a classic two-steps approach:
    • First of all we'll always start by appropriately densifying all Geometries before draping.
    • Once draping is done, we must simplify in order to get our Geometries as lean as possible:
      • Only the most relevant interpolated vertices will be preserved.
        i.e. the ones corresponding to some relevant variation in Elevation.
      • Any other interpolated vertex will be simply discarded, because it's not really useful.
    • It's a reasonable and effective compromise: our draped Geometries will certainly put on some extra weight.
      But no more of what's strictly indispensable for avoiding any serious loss of information and degraded accuracy.

A first practical example

In this first example we'll use the following datasets:
  1. civici.shp: this is a first Shapefile containing more than 1.5 millions of Points (Tuscany House Numbers).
  2. elem_strad.shp: this is another Shapefile containing more than 400.000 Linestrings (Tuscany Roads).
  3. dtmoro.asc: an ASCII grid containing a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) covering all Tuscany with a cell resolution of 10m x 10m.
All three datasets are freely available for download from here: Regione Toscana - SITA: Cartoteca

Hint: you'll find both civici.shp and elem_strad.shp within the package named Grafo Stradale (Road Network).
dtmoro.asc is contained within the package named Morfologia / DTM 10x10 Orografico (Morphology / 10x10 Orographic DTM).

step #1: creating and populating the work database

step #1.a

First of all we'll create and populate the civici Table by importing the corresponding Shapefile (House Numbers).
Be sure to set SRID=3003 and to check the option With SpatialIndex (R*Tree).

As shown by the side figure we'll use the appropriate GUI wizard for doing this task, but if you wish you could eventually adopt a pure SQL approach by executing the following statement:
SELECT ImportSHP( 'C:\vanuatu\toscana\Iternet_Marzo_2019\shp\civici' , 
       'civici' , 'CP1252' , 3003 , 'Geometry' , 'PK_UID' , 'POINT' , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 'LOWERCASE' );
loading civici

step #1.b

Then we'll create and populate the elem_civ Table by importing the corresponding Shapefile (Road Network).
Be sure to set SRID=3003 and to check the option With SpatialIndex (R*Tree).

As shown by the side figure we'll use the appropriate GUI wizard for doing this task, but if you wish you could eventually adopt a pure SQL approach by executing the following statement:
SELECT ImportSHP( 'C:\vanuatu\toscana\Iternet_Marzo_2019\shp\elem_strad' ,
       'elem_strad' , 'CP1252' , 3003 , 'Geometry' , 'PK_UID' , 'LINESTRING' , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 'LOWERCASE' );
loading elem_stad

step #1.c

Now we'll create an empty Raster Coverage named dtmoro.

As shown by the side figure we'll use the appropriate GUI wizard for doing this task, but if you wish you could eventually adopt a pure SQL approach by executing the following statement:
SELECT RL2_CreateRasterCoverage ( 'dtmoro' , 'FLOAT' , 'DATAGRID' , 1 , 'LZMA' , 100 , 512 , 512 , 3003 , 10.0 , 10.0 , 
       RL2_SetPixelValue ( RL2_CreatePixel ( 'FLOAT' , 'DATAGRID' , 1 ) , 0, -9999 ) , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 );
creating a raster coverage

step #1.d

And finally we'll load the DTM dtmoro.asc into the Raster Coverage created in the previous step.

As shown by the side figure we'll use the appropriate GUI wizard for doing this task, but if you wish you could eventually adopt a pure SQL approach by executing the following statement:
SELECT RL2_LoadRaster ( 'dtmoro' , '/home/sandro/Scaricati/draping/dtmoro.asc' , 0 , 3003 , 1 , 1 );
loading a DTM into a raster coverage

Important notice for Windows users

Importing an ASCII Grid necessarily requires opening a supporting temporary file.
Unhappily all recent versions of Windows think that temporary files are dangerous and critical objects raising a serious security alert causing an irreversible error condition.

There is only one way allowing to effectively load an ASCII Grid on Windows; the application must necessarily be executed with Administrator privileges.

Run as Administrator

step #2: transforming a 2D dataset into a 3D one.

All right, now we are finally ready for transforming both civici and elem_strad datasets from 2D into 3D. This task just require executing a single SQL statement:
SELECT RL2_DrapeGeometries( NULL , 'dtmoro' , NULL , 'civici' , 'geometry' , 'geom3d' , -9999 , 5.0 , 5.0 , 0 );
A quick explanation:
  1. the first argument is the DB-prefix of the attached database containing the DEM/DTM Raster Coverage.
    When it's null (as in this case), the MAIN database is always assumed.
  2. the second argument is the Raster Coverage name.
    Note that only Raster Coverages of the DATAGRID type can be accepted.
  3. the third argument ... we'll ignore it for now; it will be explained in the second advanced example.
  4. the fourth argument is the name of the Spatial Table containing the Geometries to be draped, that is always assumed to be in the MAIN database.
    Note: both the DTM/DEM Raster Coverage and the Spatial Table must share the same SRID value.
  5. the fifth argument is the name of the 2D Geometry column to be draped.
  6. the sixth argument is the name of the 3D Geometry column where the result of draping will be stored.
    Note: this column must not exist, and will be automatically created by ST_DrapeGeometries() itself.
  7. the seventh argument is the NO-DATA value to assigned as the Z coordinate value to all Points/Vertices of unknown elevation.
    Note: in this case we've used -9999, that is the same NoData value we used when creating the Raster Coverage, but you are free to choose any other different value.
    There is no relation between the NoData value of the DataGrid and the NoData value of Z-coords.
  8. the eighth argument is the densification distance.
  9. the ninth argument is the simplification distance.
    We have already discussed the scope of both distances in the Introduction; in this case we'll set them accordingly to the Shannon rule (half of the cell resolution).
    The DTM has a cell resolution of 10.0 m and consequently setting densification and simplification distances to 5.0 m is surely appropriate.
  10. we'll ignore for now the tenth argument; it will be examined in the Tech Note at the bottom of this Wiki page.
All done; your 2D datasets have been transformed into 3D datasets. Just a final quick check by testing random features.

Table Civici
FIDGeometry (2D XY)Geom3d (3D XYZ)
1 POINT(1653899.985931 4755950.991447) POINT Z(1653899.985931 4755950.991447 39.160851)
139934 POINT(1733162.94 4816036.29) POINT Z(1733162.94 4816036.29 257.153503)
1101734 POINT(1710081.18 4746933.385) POINT Z(1710081.18 4746933.385 773.801025)

Table Elem_Strad
FIDGeometry (2D XY)Geom3d (3D XYZ)
7 LINESTRING(1660575.144841 4862643.223261,
1660539.689436 4862662.612925,
1660498.244354 4862682.023911)
LINESTRING Z(1660575.144841 4862643.223261 41.513931,
1660539.689436 4862662.612925 41.882999,
1660498.244354 4862682.023911 42.213669)
45155 LINESTRING(1726222.056843 4821467.815741,
1726222.056843 4821472.627217,
1726221.753693 4821489.603671)
LINESTRING Z(1726222.056843 4821467.815741 241.396606,
1726222.056843 4821472.627217 241.599594,
1726221.753693 4821489.603671 242.310699)
290805 LINESTRING(1714208.7 4747016.34,
1714214.75 4747005.98,
1714221.72 4746991.88,
1714225.9 4746983.42,
1714228.21 4746979,
1714231.02 4746973.7,
1714234.47 4746968.2,
1714236.98 4746965.77,
1714241.38 4746961.81,
1714255.92 4746949.84,
1714289.39 4746923.98,
1714301.97 4746914.8,
1714309.22 4746909.2,
1714325.83 4746897.3,
1714355.64 4746875.98)
LINESTRING Z(1714208.7 4747016.34 968.079285,
1714214.75 4747005.98 966.055481,
1714221.72 4746991.88 962.389526,
1714225.9 4746983.42 959.525391,
1714228.21 4746979 958.444885,
1714231.02 4746973.7 958.444885,
1714234.47 4746968.2 957.226624,
1714236.98 4746965.77 957.226624,
1714241.38 4746961.81 957.226624,
1714255.92 4746949.84 954.927124,
1714289.39 4746923.98 952.606812,
1714301.97 4746914.8 951.481201,
1714309.22 4746909.2 950.266785,
1714325.83 4746897.3 948.182983,
1714355.64 4746875.98 943.776672)

A second more advanced example

In the first example we've seen that Tuscany has a medium-resolution (10m x 10m cells) DTM.covering the whole surface of the Region.

lidar DSM

But on many specific areas (shown on the above figure by red and green grids) Tuscany has a second kind of DTM/DSM based on hi-resolution (1m x 1m) Lidar surveys
Such Lidar DTM/DSM don't cover the whole Region, but where they are available they certainly are a source a very valuable elevation data.
Just to add more complications, the Lidar DTM/DSM belongs to two different series (green and red), and are of different ages and accuracy.

The best possible approach for draping Geometries will obviously be the one ensuring that in any case the most recent and accurate elevation data will be used, so to achieve optimal results.
RL2_DrapeGeometries() has the capability to support such a complex scenario, let's see how this is possible.

How to use multiple Raster Coverages for Draping Geometries
1 In this second example we'll use once again the same civici and elem_strad 2D datasets we've already used in the previous example.
And we'll continue to use as before the 10x10 dtmoro so to have an homogeneous DTM covering the whole Region without any gap.
2 But this time we'll create more Raster Coverages containing all the 1x1 Lidar DTM/DSM that are available.
There are many possible ways for doing this, but a good approach would be the one to create a different Raster Coverage for each series and year.
e.g. lidar_red_2008, lidar_red_2009, lidar_green_2010, lidar_green_2011 and so on.
3 Now we have to define an appropriate priority order so to be sure that Draping will then process all Raster Coverages in the required sequence.
  • The most recent and accurate Lidar Coverages should be processed with the highest priority
  • Then the less recent and accurate Lidar Coverage should be processed in decreasing priority order.
  • Finally the medium-.resolution 10x10 dtmoro should be processed as a last choice for filling any remaining gap uncovered by Lidar DTM/DSM.
4 Defining the priority order is rather trivial. You just have to create an helper table like this:
    db_prefix TEXT,
    coverage_name TEXT NOT NULL);
  • the name of the helper table is not relevant, but the names of the columns must exactly be as shown in the above example.
  • progr is the relative priority index (the lower the value, the higher the priority).
  • db_prefix is the prefix of the attached DB containing the Raster Coverage.
    When it's NULL the MAIN DB will be always intended.
  • coverage_name is the name of a Raster Coverage to be processed for Draping Geometries.
-- inserting all Lidar Raster Coverages in decreasing priority order
INSERT INTO draping_aux ( coverage_name , progr ) VALUES ( 'lidar_green_2011' , 10 );
INSERT INTO draping_aux ( coverage_name , progr ) VALUES ( 'lidar_green_2010' , 11 );
INSERT INTO draping_aux ( coverage_name , progr ) VALUES ( 'lidar_red_2009' , 12 );
INSERT INTO draping_aux ( coverage_name , progr ) VALUES ( 'lidar_red_2008' , 13 );

-- inserting the 10x10 dtmoro Raster Coverage with lowest priority
INSERT INTO draping_aux ( coverage_name , progr ) VALUES ( 'dtmoro' , 99 );
Now we are ready for populating the helper table by inserting any required Raster Coverage specifying its relative priority.
5 We are finally ready for draping out geometries over multiple Raster Coverages:
SELECT RL2_DrapeGeometries( NULL , NULL , 'draping_aux' , 'civici' , 'geometry' , 'geom3d' , -9999 , 5.0 , 5.0 , 0 );

SELECT RL2_DrapeGeometries( NULL , NULL , 'draping_aux' , 'elem_strad' , 'geometry' , 'geom3d' , -9999 , 5.0 , 5.0 , 0 );
These are almost the same calls to RL2_DrapeGeometries() we did in the first example, except for two details:
  • the second argument (Raster Coverage name) is now NULL, because we are now processing multiple Raster Coverages.
  • the third argument (that was previously NULL) now specifies the name of the helper table containing the list of all Raster Coverages to be processed in the given priority order.
    Note: these two arguments are mutually exclusive: you can define the one or the other, but not both at the same time. And you must specify one of them.

Useful hint

In order to check the priority order in which the Raster Coverages will be processed by RL2_DrapeGeometries you just have to execute the following SQL query:
SELECT db_prefix, coverage_name
FROM draping_aux
ORDER BY progr;

Tech Note: how RL2_DrapeGeometries() internally works
  1. RL2_DrapeGeometries() will always start by creating the 3D geometry column.
  2. then it will initially populate the 3D geometry column by inserting into it all geometries found within the 2D geometry column:
    • all X and Y (and eventually M) coordinates will be preserved as they are.
    • all Z coordinates will be initially set to the NO-DATA value.
    • if a densification distance has been specified as many vertices as required will be interpolated into each 3D geometry.
  3. now RL2_DrapeGeometry() will start processing the first Raster Coverage (or the unique one if a just single Raster Coverage has been specified).
  4. the Raster Coverage will be processed by extracting a single Tile at each time.
    All Geometries intersecting the current Tile will be processed (and this explains why the Spatial Table must be supported by a Spatial Index).
    All points/vertices intersecting the Tile and still presenting NO-DATA values will assume the elevation value taken from the corresponding cells of the Tile.
    Any point/vertex presenting a Z-value different from NO-DATA will never change in a second time, and this explains why the execution priority of each Raster Coverage is critically relevant.
  5. when all Tiles of the current Raster Coverage will be finally processed, then the next Raster Coverage (if any) will be processed.
    The cycle will resume from step 3) until consuming all Raster Coverages.
  6. the final step will be the one to simplify all 3D geometries accordingly to the given simplification distance.

Tech Note: draping M-values
Note: you can eventually use RL2_DrapeGeometries() so to set M-values instead of Z-values.

Quick recall: by definition M-values are intended to support any possible kind of generic measures.This exactly is the same definition adopted by generic DataGrids.
So RL2_DrapeGeometries() can be legitimately called for interpolating M-values instead of Z-values whenever you'll think it could be useful.

Just few practical examples: think of some DataGrid containing temperature or rain intensity or wind speed or noise intensity or population density measures.
In all these cases you could probably find useful interpolating such measures as M-values directly stored in your Geometries.
SELECT RL2_DrapeGeometries( NULL , 'dtmoro' , NULL , 'civici' , 'geometry' , 'geom3d' , -9999 , 5.0 , 5.0 , 1 );
  • the tenth and last argument accepted by RL2_DrapeGeometries() is update_m, and it's of the boolean type:
    • if set to FALSE (this is the default setting) only the Z-values will be affected by Draping, and all M-values will be preserved untouched.
    • if set to TRUE only the M-values will be affected by Draping, and all Z-values will be preserved untouched.

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