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Tutorial: building and testing the Trieste sample

In this tutorial we'll use a more exotic raster datasource, i.e. an orthorectified scene taken from the OrbView3 satellite.
The most interesting feature of this datasource is in that the satellite's sensors captured a 16 bit Panchromatic (i.e. black & white) image; and such a configuration isn't one ordinarily supported by many non-specialized, general purpose image viewers/editors.

Step 1) downloading the OrbView3 scene

Step 2) retrieve all basic informations about the OrbView3 scene

$ tiffinfo 3v060906p0001360991a520012601472m_001604256_1GST.TIF
TIFF Directory at offset 0x16a1bc23 (379698211)
  Subfile Type: (0 = 0x0)
  Image Width: 8326 Image Length: 22791
  Resolution: 1, 1
  Bits/Sample: 16
  Sample Format: unsigned integer
  Compression Scheme: None
  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-black
  Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
  Samples/Pixel: 1
  Rows/Strip: 1
  Planar Configuration: single image plane
  Tag 33550: 1.010000,1.010000,0.000000
  Tag 33922: 0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,400387.050653,5075006.239869,0.000000
  Tag 34735: 1,1,0,5,1024,0,1,1,1025,0,1,1,2052,0,1,9001,2054,0,1,9102,3072,0,1,
  Tag 34737: WGS-84
As reported by the tiffinfo tool, this TIFF file contains a 8,326 x 22,791 raster; the suggested photometric interpretation is Grayscale (min-is-black), and pixel values are of the UINT16 type (Sample Format: unsigned integer and Bits/Sample: 16).
$ listgeo 3v060906p0001360991a520012601472m_001604256_1GST.TIF
   Version: 1
   Key_Revision: 1.0
      ModelTiepointTag (2,3):
         0                 0                 0
         400387.050653227  5075006.239869    0
      ModelPixelScaleTag (1,3):
         1.01              1.01              0
      GTModelTypeGeoKey (Short,1): ModelTypeProjected
      GTRasterTypeGeoKey (Short,1): RasterPixelIsArea
      GeogLinearUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Linear_Meter
      GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey (Short,1): Angular_Degree
      ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey (Short,1): PCS_WGS84_UTM_zone_33N

PCS = 32633 (WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N)
Projection = 16033 (UTM zone 33N)
Projection Method: CT_TransverseMercator
   ProjNatOriginLatGeoKey: 0.000000 (  0d 0' 0.00"N)
   ProjNatOriginLongGeoKey: 15.000000 ( 15d 0' 0.00"E)
   ProjScaleAtNatOriginGeoKey: 0.999600
   ProjFalseEastingGeoKey: 500000.000000 m
   ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey: 0.000000 m
GCS: 4326/WGS 84
Datum: 6326/World Geodetic System 1984
Ellipsoid: 7030/WGS 84 (6378137.00,6356752.31)
Prime Meridian: 8901/Greenwich (0.000000/  0d 0' 0.00"E)
Projection Linear Units: 9001/metre (1.000000m)

Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left    (  400387.051, 5075006.240)  ( 13d43' 3.59"E, 45d49'17.12"N)
Lower Left    (  400387.051, 5051987.330)  ( 13d43'20.62"E, 45d36'51.43"N)
Upper Right   (  408796.311, 5075006.240)  ( 13d49'33.22"E, 45d49'21.31"N)
Lower Right   (  408796.311, 5051987.330)  ( 13d49'48.81"E, 45d36'55.59"N)
Center        (  404591.681, 5063496.785)  ( 13d46'26.58"E, 45d43' 6.42"N)
The listgeo tool confirms that this actually is GeoTIFF including full-referencing and that the intended Reference System is SRID=32633 (WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N); the declared pixel resolution equals to 1.01 meters on both axes (square pixels).

Step 3) creating the Trieste Coverage

$ rl2tool CREATE -db trieste.sqlite -cov trieste -smp UINT16 \
-pxl DATAGRID -cpr LZMA -srid 32633 -res 1.01

rl2_tool: request is CREATE
              DB path: trieste.sqlite
             Coverage: trieste
          Sample Type: UINT16
           Pixel Type: DATAGRID
      Number of Bands: 1
          Compression: LZMA (7-zip, lossless)
   Tile size (pixels): 512 x 512
                 Srid: 32633
Pixel base resolution: X=1.01 Y=1.01

     SQLite version:
 SpatiaLite version: 4.2.0-devel
RasterLite2 version: 0.8

Raster Coverage "trieste" successfully created

Operation CREATE successfully completed

Step 4) populating the Trieste Coverage

$ rl2tool IMPORT -db trieste.sqlite -cov trieste \
-src 3v060906p0001360991a520012601472m_001604256_1GST.TIF -pyr

rl2_tool; request is IMPORT
              DB path: trieste.sqlite
    Input Source path: 3v060906p0001360991a520012601472m_001604256_1GST.TIF
             Coverage: trieste
              Section: from file name
Immediately building Pyramid Levels

     SQLite version:
 SpatiaLite version: 4.2.0-devel
RasterLite2 version: 0.8

Importing: 3v060906p0001360991a520012601472m_001604256_1GST.TIF
    Image Size (pixels): 8326 x 22791
                   SRID: 32633
       LowerLeft Corner: X=400387.05 Y=5051987.33
      UpperRight Corner: X=408796.31 Y=5075006.24
       Pixel resolution: X=1.010000000000001 Y=1.010000000000006
    Pyramid levels successfully built for: 3v060906p0001360991a520012601472m_001604256_1GST

Operation IMPORT successfully completed
You'll simply invoke rl2tool IMPORT exactly in the same way already adopted in any other previous tutorial.

Step 5) understanding Contrast Enhancement and Raster Styles

trieste default
This image exemplifies how the Trieste sample will look using the plain default Style. Just a quick glance shows how this image doesn't look good at all; it's exaggeratedly dark, it looks completely unnatural and it's really difficult to be correctly interpreted. In few worlds, it definitely sucks and it's practically useless.
Just a quick recall: this is not at all an ordinary orthorectified aerial photography of the usual type; this one is a satellite digital image taken from an altitude of about 670 km and supporting 16 bit pixel values.
Most precisely, the digital sensors used by the OrbView3 satellite have an internal precision of just 11 bits, and each sample value has been opportunely padded so to adapt into a more common 16 bit integer. This image has already been carefully post-processed so to correct many original defects (removing digital noise and applying radiometric recalibration) and has been precisely orthorectified; anyway, in photographic terms it still suffers of a catastrophic under-exposure.

Conclusion: we are expected to apply some appropriate contrast enhancement method in order to finally get a decent image.
The WMS standard specifications fully support raster styling via RasterSymbolizer definitions, as disciplined by a further standard specification i.e. OGC SLD/SE 1.1.0. More specifically the following alternative Contrast Enhancement methods are made available by a standard RasterSymbolyzer: RasterLite2 fully supports RasterSymbolizer Contrast Enhancement. The algorithms adopted by RasterLite2 exactly correspond to the ones described in these academic lecture notes; more precisely: The following practical examples will surely help to understand better.

Contrast Enhancement: Gamma Value

trieste gamma 1.5
This image is an example of how the Gamma Value contrast enhancement method works. In this case we've applied a Gamma coefficient equal to 1.5 and consequently the image is now slightly brighter then before.

trieste gamma 2.0
Yet another example; now the Gamma coefficient if set to 2.0 and the image is increasingly brighter.

trieste gamma 2.5
In this final example the Gamma coefficient if set to 2.5; the image is now decently bright, but starts suffering from a different issue. The contrast is now exaggeratedly flattened, and the image looks dim and washed out.
Conclusions: the GammaValue contrast enhancement method suffers from two strong disadvantages:

Contrast Enhancement: Histogram

trieste histogram
This method seems to be more interesting: it doesn't require any explicit argument and can directly support any arbitrary image. The image apparently looks reasonably natural at first glance, but if you look better paying closer attention to fine details there are still several issues. The overall contrast is now too much aggressive: many areas has become full white thus lacking any internal detail.
Conclusions: the Histogram contrast enhancement method is rather good, but it isn't perfect.

Contrast Enhancement: Normalize

trieste normalize
Finally we have a really natural-looking image; the overall contrast is well balanced, the image is clear and sharp, many fine-grained details are perfectly preserved and easily visible.
Conclusions: the Normalize contrast enhancement method seems to be the best available choice.

Step 6) using and understanding Band Histograms

You'll probably remember that in the previous Trento tutorial we've already examined Band Histograms.

trento band#0 histogram
This is the Histogram corresponding to the Red band of the Trento Coverage.

trento band#1 histogram
Green band.

trento band#2 histogram
Blue band.
As you can easily notice, all these histograms clearly corresponds to the classic bell curve we are expecting for any normal Gaussian distribution: and effectively the Trento sample has a fair natural-looking aspect, has a good brightness and presents a well balanced contrast.
$ rl2tool HISTOGRAM -db trieste.sqlite -cov trieste

rl2_tool; request is HISTOGRAM
    DB path: trieste.sqlite
   Coverage: trieste
             Histogram from Coverage-level Statistics
 Band Index: 0
Destination: ./hist_trieste_0.png

     SQLite version:
 SpatiaLite version: 4.2.0-devel
RasterLite2 version: 0.8

Operation HISTOGRAM successfully completed
Coming back to the Trieste sample; you'll now create the Coverage-level Histogram.
Please note: you can now avoid to explicitly specify the -bnd index argument, because the Trieste Coverage has just a single band.

trieste band#0 histogram
Gray band.
As you immediately notice looking at the Histogram, the Trieste sample presents an abnormal sample distribution. This Histogram is strongly compressed, i.e. quite all values are grouped in the low-end range. And this obviously explains why the first default image extracted from the Trieste Coverage was so dark and presented a catastrophic under-exposure.
We'll now examine few Histograms corresponding to the same small sized output image after applying each Contrast Enhancement method.

Contrast Enhancement: Gamma Value

trieste gamma value=1.5 histogram
Gamma value = 1.5

trieste gamma value=2.0 histogram
Gamma value = 2.0

trieste gamma value=2.5 histogram
Gamma value = 2.5

These histograms confirm our first impression: the Gamma Value method progressively shifts the mean value, but doesn't expand at all the distribution who still remains compressed; so the output image will effectively become brighter but the contrast will always remain poor.

Contrast Enhancement: Histogram

trieste histogram method histogram
In this case too the histogram confirms our first impression: the Histogram method effectively expands the distribution, who remains anyway rather flat and consequently unnatural and not completely convincing.

Contrast Enhancement: Normalize

trieste histogram normalize histogram
And finally we have an objective demonstration explaining why the Normalize method produces natural-looking images; now the histogram is still far from ideal perfection, but at least it presents a clear bell shaped distribution.
SELECT RL2_GetBandHistogramFromImage(
  RL2_GetMapImage('trieste', ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(geometry), 640), 
  1280, 1280, 'trieste_gamma_2.5', 'image/png'), 'image/png', 0)
FROM trieste_tiles 
WHERE tile_id = 552;
Just for the sake of curiosity: all histograms representing the various Contrast Enhancement methods were captured by using SQL queries like the above one.

Step 7) creating and loading your own custom Raster Styles

7.1) downloading the Trieste styles

Just download the appropriate resource-pack from here; it contains any SLD/SE RasterSymbolizer required by this tutorial.

7.2) exploring the SLD/SE RasterSymbolizer anatomy

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RasterSymbolizer version="1.1.0" 
		<Title>Contrast Enhancement: GammaValue=1.5</Title>
		<Abstract>a styled 16-bit grayscale raster supporting contrast enhancement; GammaValue method (coeff=1.5)</Abstract>
Any RasterSymbolizer simply is an XML Document, i.e. a text file; you can safely use any ordinary text editor in order to view and eventually modify a RasterSymbolizer:
		<Histogram />
		<Normalize />

7.3a) importing all RasterSymbolizers into the DB-file

$ export "SPATIALITE_SECURITY=relaxed"
$ sqlite3 trieste.sqlite
SQLite version 2014-03-26 18:51:19
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .null NULL
sqlite> SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite');
sqlite> SELECT CreateStylingTables();
sqlite> SELECT RegisterRasterStyledLayer('trieste',
   ...> XB_Create(XB_LoadXML('./trieste_styles/trieste_gamma_1.5.xml'), 1, 1));
sqlite> SELECT RegisterRasterStyledLayer('trieste',
   ...> XB_Create(XB_LoadXML('./trieste_styles/trieste_gamma_2.0.xml'), 1, 1));
sqlite> SELECT RegisterRasterStyledLayer('trieste',
   ...> XB_Create(XB_LoadXML('./trieste_styles/trieste_gamma_2.5.xml'), 1, 1));
sqlite> SELECT RegisterRasterStyledLayer('trieste',
   ...> XB_Create(XB_LoadXML('./trieste_styles/trieste_histogram.xml'), 1, 1));
sqlite> SELECT RegisterRasterStyledLayer('trieste',
   ...> XB_Create(XB_LoadXML('./trieste_styles/trieste_normalize.xml'), 1, 1));
sqlite> SELECT * FROM SE_raster_styled_layers_view;
sqlite> .quit
trieste0trieste_gamma_1.5Contrast Enhancement: GammaValue=1.5a styled 16-bit grayscale raster supporting contrast enhancement; GammaValue method (coeff=1.5)XmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=599 (XMLsz=700) SchemaValidated1
trieste1trieste_gamma_2.0Contrast Enhancement: GammaValue=2.0a styled 16-bit grayscale raster supporting contrast enhancement; GammaValue method (coeff=2.0)XmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=597 (XMLsz=700) SchemaValidated1
trieste2trieste_gamma_2.5Contrast Enhancement: GammaValue=2.5a styled 16-bit grayscale raster supporting contrast enhancement; GammaValue method (coeff=2.5)XmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=599 (XMLsz=700) SchemaValidated1
trieste3trieste_histogramContrast Enhancement: Histograma styled 16-bit grayscale raster supporting contrast enhancement; Histogram methodXmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=558 (XMLsz=666) SchemaValidated1
trieste4trieste_normalizeContrast Enhancement: Normalizea styled 16-bit grayscale raster supporting contrast enhancement; Normalize methodXmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=557 (XMLsz=666) SchemaValidated1
This table represents the actual content of the DB View named SE_raster_styled_layers_view after registering all RasterSymbolizers, exactly as the reported by the SELECT * FROM SE_raster_styled_layers_view SQL query.
Now you are finally ready to perform a practical test based on the trieste sample.

7.3b) importing all RasterSymbolizers (alternative easier way)

If you dislike invoking so many complex SQL statements, you'll probably be happy to learn that the same identical task could be eventually performed in a more user friendly way by using spatialite_gui. Please consult the appropriate documentation

Step 8) testing the Trieste sample (and playing with Styles)

As you've already done in any previous tutorial you can now directly test the Trieste Coverage by publishing a standard WMS service.
You simply have to start the wmslite light-weight server, then connecting some WMS viewer (e.g. LibreWMS) to the service being published on localhost aka IP address, port 8080.

trieste WMS #1
You can freely switch from a Style to another one.

trieste WMS #2
And you can read full informations supporting each single Style by consulting the WMS Metadata.

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