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Wiki page [VirtualElementary] by sandro 2014-09-22 22:55:15.
D 2014-09-22T22:55:15.194
L VirtualElementary
U sandro
W 4127
<h2>about VirtualElementary</h2>
<b>VirtualElementary</b> is a new <b>Virtual Table</b> driver introduced starting since SpatiaLite version <b>4.2.1</b><br>
The intended scope of this virtual module is the one to separate complex geometries (as e.g. <i>MultiLinestring</i> or <i>MultiPolygon</i>) into many distinct elements, so that each single row returned into the resultset will always correspond to an elementary Geometry.<br>
Anyway the origin for every elementary Geometry will be always carefully preserved, so to make easy re-aggregating yet again the original complex Geometries if and when required.
<h2>the ElementaryGeometries table</h2>
Any new DB-file created using version <b>4.2.1</b> (or any later) will always include a table named <b>ElementaryGeometries</b> corresponding to an instance of <b>VirtualElementary</b>.<br>
Such table will obviously miss in all DB-files created using any earlier version; anyway adding the <b>VirtualElementary</b> support in such DB-files is really simple.<br>
Just execute the following SQL statement:
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ElementaryGeometries USING VirtualElementary();
<h2>how it works - a practical example</h2>
    name TEXT);

SELECT AddGeometryColumn('test', 'geom', 4326, 'MULTILINESTRING', 'XY');

INSERT INTO test (id, name, geom) VALUES (NULL, 'one',
    ST_GeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 0 1))', 4326));
INSERT INTO test (id, name, geom) VALUES (NULL, 'two',
    ST_GeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 0 1), (1 0, 1 1))', 4326));
INSERT INTO test (id, name, geom) VALUES (NULL, 'three',
    ST_GeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 0 1), (1 0, 1 1), (2 0, 2 1))', 4326));
Since now we've simply created and populated a table containing MultiLinestrings; now we'll test the ElementaryGeometries table.
SELECT * FROM ElementaryGeometries
WHERE f_table_name = 'test' AND origin_rowid = 2;
main	test	geom	2	0	BLOB sz=80 GEOMETRY
main	test	geom	2	1	BLOB sz=80 GEOMETRY

SELECT origin_rowid, item_no, ST_AsText(geometry)
FROM ElementaryGeometries
WHERE db_prefix = 'main' AND f_table_name = 'test'
   AND f_geometry_column = 'geom' AND origin_rowid = 3;
3	0	LINESTRING(20 20, 20 21)
3	1	LINESTRING(21 20, 21 21)
3	2	LINESTRING(22 20, 22 21)
<li>the <b>ElementaryGeometries</b> table provides the following columns:
<li><b>db_prefix</b>: the symbolic prefix identifying each <a href="">attached database</a>; the DB-file directly associated to the current connection always corresponds to the <b>main</b> prefix.</li>
<li><b>f_table_name</b>: the name of the target table.</li>
<li><b>f_geometry_column</b>: the name of the target geometry.</li>
<li><b>origin_rowid</b>: the corresponding ROWID into the origin table.</li>
<li><b>item_no</b>: progressive number individually identifying each elementary Geometry within its ROWID family.</li>
<li><b>geometry</b>: an elementary Geometry item.</li>
<li>every <b>SELECT</b> statement referencing <b>ElementaryGeometries</b> must include a <b>WHERE</b> clause specifying at least the intended <b>f_table_name</b> and <b>origin_rowid</b> values.<br>
The <b>db_prefix</b> element if not specified always implies the <b>main</b> DB.<br>
Specifying <b>f_geometry_column</b> is optional, except when the target table supports more than a single Geometry column.</li>
SELECT, e.item_no,, ST_AsText(e.geometry)
FROM test AS t
JOIN ElementaryGeometries AS e ON (e.f_table_name = 'test' AND e.origin_rowid =;
1	0	one	LINESTRING(0 0, 0 1)
2	0	two	LINESTRING(10 10, 10 11)
2	1	two	LINESTRING(11 10, 11 11)
3	0	three	LINESTRING(20 20, 20 21)
3	1	three	LINESTRING(21 20, 21 21)
3	2	three	LINESTRING(22 20, 22 21)
This final example shows how you can construct a SQL query dynamically resolving
all complex geometries form a whole table into individual elementary items.
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