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[About ST_Subdivide()] by
2019-02-15 10:44:43.
D 2019-02-15T10:44:43.926
L About\sST_Subdivide()
U sandro
W 2333
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<h1>ST_Subdivide(): a quick intro</h1>
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<h2>About ST_Subdivide()</h2>
Since version <b>5.0.0</b> SpatiaLite supports <b>ST_Subdivide()</b>, an advanced SQL function already available on <a href="">PostGIS</a>.<br>
The implementation is strictly similar in both Spatial DBMSes because on PostgIS the function is built on the top of the internal <b>lwgeom</b> library, and on SpatiaLite is built on the top of <b>librttopo</b> that simply is a more universal porting of lwgeom outside PostGIS.<br><br>
A short rationale: processing huge geometries having an impressive number of Vertices (many thousands or even more) is an intrinsically slow process.<br>
Subdividing them into many smaller parts (still preserving full topological consistency) usually helps to restore a satisfying processing speed.
This is exactly the intended scope of <b>ST_Subdivide()</b>:
<li>this function will receive an input geometry (may well be a very huge one).</li>
<li>each <b>Linestring</b> or <b>Polygon</b> found within the input geometry will be then processed:
<li>all Linestrings or Polygons using a number of Vertices lesser or equal than the given threshold will be returned as they are.</li>
<li>but all Linestrings or Polygons using an exceeding number of Vertices will be recursively split, untill they'll be represented by a <b>collection</b> of elementary <b>parts</b> using no more than the required number of vertices.</li>
<li>at the end of the process the function will return a collection containing all elementary parts (a <b>MultiLinestring</b> or a <b>MultiPolygon</b> depending on the nature of the input geometry).</li>
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