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External Graphic Resources - Intro

SLD/SE styling could eventually require some external graphics resource: e.g. small images to be used as map symbols, or even as pens or stipples.
Two different kinds of graphics resources are supported:
           <OnlineResource xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="" />
As the above SLD/SE snippet shows, an external graphics is expected to correspond to some <OnlineResource> available on the WEB: xlink:href points to the corresponding URL, and <Format> specifies the expected mime-type.

The "SE_external_graphics" table

This DB table is specifically intended to implement External Graphics support; you should not manually create this table, always use the standard CreateStylingTables() SQL function so to create any SLD/SE related table. The intended scope of the SE_external_graphics table is implementing kind of resource cache internally stored within the DBMS itself; each single resource is uniquely identified by the corresponding xlink:href URL.
Please note: xlink_href isn't actually a genuine URL; it simply is an internal Primary Key, so if a corresponding WEB URL doesn't exist at all this is absolutely not an issue.

Note for client apps developers: the SE_external_graphics table simply acts as an internal cache.
So the optimal access strategy expected to be implemented is as follows:
  • every time that some <OnlineResource xlink:href="..."> tag is encountered within any SLD/SE style document:
    • a first attempt is expected to be performed so to find the required external graphic resource from within the internal cache i.e. an SQL query on behalf of the SE_external_graphics table is expected.
    • if no correspondence is found, then a second attempt is expected to be performed by accessing the required WEB URL.

A practical tutorial by real examples

In this example we'll use the samples contained into the xml-samples/graphics folder.
export "SPATIALITE_SECURITY=relaxed"
For didactic simplicity we'll use the unsafe SQL functions supporting direct access to external files stored into the file-system.
Remember: you have to explicitly set the SPATIALITE_SECURITY=relaxed environment variable in order to enable all unsafe SQL Import/Export functions.
SELECT RegisterExternalGraphic( '', 
  BlobFromFile( 'C:/xml-samples/graphics/aerodrome.png' ) );
The RegisterExternalGraphic() SQL function inserts an external graphic resource into the SE_external_graphics table.
Any attempt aimed to directly perform any INSERT or UPDATE SQL statement on behalf of SE_external_graphics is strongly discouraged; always using the abstract function RegisterExternalGraphic() is warmly recommended, and will preserve long-term compatibility against subsequent releases.
SELECT RegisterExternalGraphic( '', 
  BlobFromFile( 'C:/xml-samples/graphics/aerodrome.tif' ),
  'aerodrome', 'raster map symbol: aerodrome (TIFF 56x56)', 'aerodrome.tif' );
Please note well: a validating Trigger always checks if the payload to be inserted does actually corresponds to some acceptable mime type.
In this case we've just attempted to insert a TIFF bitmap; but TIFF isn't a valid W3C format, so the Trigger has rejected this operation; and consequently RegisterExternalGraphic() in this case returned 0, i.e. failure.
SELECT RegisterExternalGraphic( '', 
  BlobFromFile( 'C:/xml-samples/graphics/aerodrome.png' ),
  'aerodrome', 'raster map symbol: aerodrome (PNG 56x56)', 'aerodrome.png' );
RegisterExternalGraphic() has a more complex form accepting three more arguments, corresponding respectively to a title, an abstract and a file-name.
None of them are strictly indispensable; anyway always specifying a richer set of human readable informations surely helps in order to maintain your repository of external graphic resources in a properly ordered and easily accessible state.
SELECT RegisterExternalGraphic( '', 
  XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/graphics/helicopter.svg' ) ) );
In this third example we've just inserted an SVG resource; SVG is actually based on XML, so we've used the XB_Create() SQL function in order to create a valid XmlBLOB payload. And then in turn we've invoked XB_LoadXML() in order to properly load the XML Document from the external file.
SELECT RegisterExternalGraphic( '', 
  XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/graphics/bus_stop.svg' ) ),
  'bus stop', 'vector map symbol: bus stop (SVG)', 'bus_stop.svg' );
Same as above, this time using the full qualified form of RegisterExternalGraphic().
SELECT RegisterExternalGraphic( '', 
  XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( '' ) ),
  'bus stop', 'vector map symbol: bus stop (SVG, revised)', 'bus_stop.svg' );
Please pay attention: this final example shows two interesting facets:
FROM SE_external_graphics_view;
xlink_hreftitleabstractresourcefile_namemime_type *** undefined ****** undefined *** BLOB sz=2545 PNG image*** undefined ***image/png raster map symbol: aerodrome (PNG 56x56)BLOB sz=3725 PNG image aerodrome.pngimage/png*** undefined *** *** undefined ***XmlBLOB-SVG sz=2825 (XMLsz=7851) *** undefined ***image/svg+xml stop vector map symbol: bus stop (SVG, revised) XmlBLOB-SVG sz=2259 (XMLsz=6121)bus_stop.svg image/svg+xml

The SE_external_graphics table is supported by a corresponding VIEW (not surprisingly) named SE_external_graphics_view.
If you are curious enough, you'll quickly discover that this VIEW exactly corresponds to the original table, and that its (really modest) added values is in that a further mime_type column is made immediately available. This simply requires invoking the GetMimeType() SQL function on behalf of the resource's own payload.

spatialite_gui specific support

You'll probably remember that spatialite_gui already supported a nice BlobExplorer GUI-tool allowing to pre-view any image stored as a BLOB into the DB. bed-and-breakfast
The latest spatialite_gui 1.6.1 is now able to fully support SVG images as well. bus-stop

useful related resources

The SJJB project (strictly related to Open Street Map) offers a really nice and very rich collection of SVG/PNG map symbols, released under the CC-0 license terms (i.e. released on the Public Domain, absolutely no imposed constrains of any kind).
Surely a highly valuable resource for all peoples interested to maps; strongly recommended.

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