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SLD/SE Styling - Intro
Starting since version 4.1.0 SpatiaLite will support SLD/SE Styling; all styling documents exactly are XML Documents, so the whole SLD/SE implementation simply is a further specialized extension based on XmlBLOB.If you are eventually interested to get a deeper comprehension of what really are the OGC Styled Layer Descriptor and Symbology Encoding standards, you can consult the following official documentation:
DB Tables implementing SLD/SE Styling
SELECT CreateStylingTables();The CreateStylingTables() SQL function will attempt to create all DB Tables required in order to enable SLD/SE Styling support.
Any attempt to directly create or otherwise manipulate these Tables is strongly discouraged; you are always expected to properly invoke CreateStylingTables(), which will correctly define all required Primary / Foreign Key constraints, as will create all validating Triggers expected to support these Tables.
SELECT CreateStylingTables( 1 );Please note: CreateStylingTables() will optionally accept a single (boolean) argument intended to choose between strict and relaxed Triggers alternative implementations:
- when strict mode is specified (default setting) all SLD/SE documents are expected to successfully pass a formal XML Schema validation.
If for any reason such Schema validation fails then the Triggers will reject any attempt to insert the offending Styling document. - on the other side, when relaxed mode is specified a basic check will be performed so to ensure that the Styling document is well-formed, but no XML Schema validation will never be evaluated.
Important notice: oldest versions of libxml2 aren't able to support a successful Schema validation for SE 1.1.0 documents.
Using the most recent 2.9.0 version of this library seems to be an absolute pre-requisite.
the SE_vector_styled_layers table
- both f_table_name and f_geometry_column are intended to establish a relational correspondence with some vector layer already defined in the geometry_columns table (Foreign Key).
- style_id simply is a progressive number allowing to define more alternative styles supporting the same identical layer.
In other words: f_table_name, f_geometry_column and style_id all together form the Primary Key for this table. - style is the corresponding SLD/SE style document (expected to be a valid XmlBLOB of the SLD/SE vector type).
the SE_raster_styled_layers table
- coverage_name is intended to establish a relational correspondence with some already defined raster layer (Foreign Key).
- style_id simply is a progressive number allowing to define more alternative styles supporting the same identical layer/coverage.
In other words: coverage_name and style_id all together form the Primary Key for this table. - style is the corresponding SLD/SE style document (expected to be a valid XmlBLOB of the SLD/SE raster type).
- Caveat: the actual implementation of this table will surely change in future versions accordingly to RasterLite-2 development.
(current implementation mainly is kind of interim placeholder).
the SE_styled_groups and SE_styled_group_defs tables
These two strictly related tables are intended to support Styled Groups, i.e. complex rendering aggregates possibly based on more that a single layer, and may be of mixed types, i.e. including both Vector and Raster layers at the same time.A basic key concept in Layer Groups is the paint priority order; each layer could eventually cover (i.e. making absolutely invisible) some previously rendered layer, thus producing unwanted and unexpected results. So explicitly defining a well known internal order is an absolute requirement for Styled Groups.
- the SE_styled_groups table:
- group_name (Primary Key) is the unique name identifying the Group.
- both title and abstract are optional elements; anyway they are surely useful in order to keep your definitions in a clear and well ordered state.
- the SE_styled_group_defs table:
- id (Primary Key) simply is a unique key; no special meaning is intended.
- group_name (Foreign Key) references to Group to whom this Layer belongs.
- paint_order is intended to specify the relative paint priority; lower values will be rendered first, upper values latest.
In other world: the whole Group will be rendered respecting the increasing order of paint_order values. - f_table_name, f_geometry_column and vector_style_id (Foreign Key) are intended to support a layer of the Vector type.
A corresponding SLD/SE style must be defined in the SE_vector_styled_layers table. - coverage_name and raster_style_id (Foreign Key) are intended to support a layer of the Raster type.
A corresponding SLD/SE style must be defined in the SE_raster_styled_layers table. - Please note: a group item must always correspond to a single layer; so defining a Vector or Raster layer item are mutually exclusive options.
the SE_external_graphics table
- Please see the corresponding Wiki page
A practical tutorial by real examples
In this example we'll use the samples contained into the xml-samples/sld-se-styles folder.export "SPATIALITE_SECURITY=relaxed"For didactic simplicity we'll use the unsafe SQL functions supporting direct access to external files stored into the file-system.
Remember: you have to explicitly set the SPATIALITE_SECURITY=relaxed environment variable in order to enable all unsafe SQL Import/Export functions.
SELECT CreateStylingTables(); ----- 1And we'll suppose that the SLD/SE supporting tables have been created in strict mode, i.e. always requiring a successful XML Schema validation.
SELECT RegisterVectorStyledLayer( 'my_points', 'geom', XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SLD-Stations.xml' ) ) ); ----- 0The RegisterVectorStyledLayer() SQL function inserts a registration into the SE_vector_style_layers table. Any attempt aimed to directly perform any INSERT or UPDATE SQL statement on behalf of SE_vector_styled_layers is strongly discouraged; always using the abstract function RegisterVectorStyledLayer() is warmly recommended, and will preserve long-term compatibility against subsequent releases.
- the RegisterVectorStyledLayer() SQL function in its simpler form simply requires passing three arguments:
- the first and second arguments correspond to the Vector Layer, i.e. respectively to f_table_name and f_geometry_column.
Please note: the corresponding layer is expected to be already defined into the geometry_columns table. - the third argument is expected to be an appropriate XmlBLOB containing the Style definition.
So we've used the XB_Create() SQL function in order to create a valid XmlBLOB; and then in turn we've invoked XB_LoadXML() in order to properly load the XML Document from the external file.
- the first and second arguments correspond to the Vector Layer, i.e. respectively to f_table_name and f_geometry_column.
There is very simple reason accounting for this failure: we've missed to perform any XML Schema validation; and accordingly to this the safety Trigger has then rejected this first attempt.
SELECT RegisterVectorStyledLayer( 'my_points', 'geom', XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SLD-Stations.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1This second attempt is finally successful, because this time we've correctly invoked XB_Create() asking for full XML Schema validation.
SELECT RegisterVectorStyledLayer( 'my_lines', 'geom', XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SLD-Railways1.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterVectorStyledLayer( 'my_lines', 'geom', XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SLD-Railways2.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1Please note: invoking more than a single time the RegisterVectorStyledLayer() function on behalf of the same layer simply causes registering yet another alternative style; in this case the style_id value will be automatically increased as required so to ensure uniqueness.
SELECT RegisterVectorStyledLayer( 'my_polygs', 'geom', XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SE-LocalCouncils1.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterVectorStyledLayer( 'my_polygs', 'geom', XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SE-LocalCouncils2.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterVectorStyledLayer( 'my_polygs', 'geom', 0, XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SLD-LocalCouncils.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1Please note: you can also use RegisterStyledVectorLayer() in order to update an already existing definition; in this case you simply have to pass a further argument specifying the style_id value (as in the third example).
SELECT RegisterRasterStyledLayer( 'srtm', XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SE-Raster2.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterRasterStyledLayer( 'srtm', XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SE-Raster3.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterRasterStyledLayer( 'srtm', 1, XB_Create( XB_LoadXML( 'C:/xml-samples/sld-se-styles/SLD-Raster.xml' ), 1, 1 ) ); ----- 1The RegisterRasterStyledLayer() SQL function is strictly analogue to RegisterVectorStyledLayer(), and behaves in exactly the same manner except as in that it's intended to support Raster Coverages.
Caveat: this function may will probably be affected by several changes in future releases accordingly to RasterLite-2 development.
SELECT * FROM SE_vector_styled_layers_view;
f_table_name | f_geometry_column | style_id | title | abstract | style | schema_validated | schema_uri |
my_points | geom | 0 | SE test - Point (Railway Stations) | a complex variable style (depending on actual scale) | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=1042 (XMLsz=5010) SchemaValidated | 1 | |
my_lines | geom | 0 | SLD basic test - Line (Railways) | a style using "don't care" rendering | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=596 (XMLsz=1091) SchemaValidated | 1 | |
my_lines | geom | 1 | SLD advanced test - Line (Railways) | a complex variable style (depending on actual scale) | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=719 (XMLsz=2255) SchemaValidated | 1 | |
my_polygs | geom | 0 | SLD basic test - Polygon (Local Councils) | a style using "don't care" rendering | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=594 (XMLsz=1029) SchemaValidated | 1 | |
my_polygs | geom | 1 | SE basic test - bare symbolizer - Polygon (Local Councils) | a style using "don't care" rendering | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=539 (XMLsz=687) SchemaValidated | 1 | |
The SE_vector_styled_layers table is supported by a corresponding VIEW (not surprisingly) named SE_vector styled_layers_view.
If you are curious enough, you'll quickly discover that this VIEW exactly corresponds to the original table, and that its added values is in that further title, abstract, schema_validated and schema_uri columns are made immediately available.
This simply requires respectively invoking the XB_GetTitle(), XB_GetAbstract(), XB_IsSchemaValidated() and XB_GetSchemaURI() SQL functions on behalf of the XmlBLOB payload (style).
SELECT * FROM SE_raster_styled_layers_view;
coverage_name | style_id | title | abstract | style | schema_validated | schema_uri |
srtm | 0 | SE basic test | Raster Symbolizer - Digital Elevation Model | XmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=693 (XMLsz=2120) SchemaValidated | 1 | |
srtm | 1 | SLD raster - fantasy raster | a style using "don't care" rendering | XmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=758 (XMLsz=2549) SchemaValidated | 1 | |
The SE_raster_styled_layers table is supported by a corresponding VIEW named SE_raster styled_layers_view; both them are strictly analogue to the ones intended to support Vector Styled Layers, with only very limited differences.
Styled Groups handling
SELECT RegisterStyledGroup( 'group_1', 'srtm', 0 ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterStyledGroup( 'group_1', 'my_polygs', 'geom', 1 ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterStyledGroup( 'group_1', 'my_lines', 'geom', 1 ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterStyledGroup( 'group_1', 'my_points', 'geom', 0 ); ----- 1The RegisterStyledGroup() SQL function is always expected to be used in order to correctly define any Styled Group; all Group items will automatically get the most appropriate paint_order value accordingly to insertion order within the same Group.
- you can pass to this function the group_name, f_table_name, f_geometry_column and vector_style_id arguments in order to register a Vector Styled Layer.
- or alternatively you can pass the group_name, coverage_name and raster_style_id arguments in order to register a Raster Styled Layer.
- Please note: the first attempt to register an item belonging to some not yet defined Group will implicitly create the Styled Group itself.
SELECT SetStyledGroupInfos( 'group_2', 'some title', 'some abstract' ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterStyledGroup( 'group_2', 'srtm', 1 ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterStyledGroup( 'group_2', 'my_polygs', 'geom', 0 ); ----- 1 SELECT RegisterStyledGroup( 'group_2', 'my_points', 'geom', 0 ); ----- 1This second example will simply create yet another Styled Group; anyway in this case we'll explicitly create first a new Group by specifying an appropriate title and an abstract by invoking the SetStyledGroupInfos() SQL function.
SELECT RegisterStyledGroup( 'group_2', 'my_lines', 'geom', 0, 1 ); ----- 1Please note: you can also use the RegisterStyledGroup() SQL function in order to update an already defined item. In this case a further argument corresponding to paint_order has to be specified. (in other worlds: the Group item uniquely identified by group_name and paint_order will be the target for the intended update).
SELECT SetStyledGroupInfos( 'group_1', 'my title', 'my abstract' ); ----- 1 SELECT SetStyledGroupInfos( 'group_2', 'new title', 'new abstract' ); ----- 1Please note: you can freely use the SetStyledGroupInfos() SQL function at any time in order to update (or set if not already defined) the title and abstract describing a Styled Group.
SELECT * FROM SE_styled_groups_view ORDER BY group_name, paint_order ASC;
group_name | group_title | group_abstract | paint_order | type | layer_name | geometry_column | style_id | style_title | style_abstract | style | geometry_type | coord_dimension | srid |
group_1 | my title | my abstract | 0 | raster | srtm | NULL | 0 | SE basic test | Raster Symbolizer - Digital Elevation Model | XmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=693 (XMLsz=2120) SchemaValidated | NULL | NULL | NULL |
group_1 | my title | my abstract | 1 | vector | my_polygs | geom | 1 | SE basic test - bare symbolizer - Polygon (Local Councils) | a style using "don't care" rendering | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=539 (XMLsz=687) SchemaValidated | 3 | 2 | 4326 |
group_1 | my title | my abstract | 2 | vector | my_lines | geom | 1 | SLD advanced test - Line (Railways) | a complex variable style (depending on actual scale) | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=719 (XMLsz=2255) SchemaValidated | 2 | 2 | 4326 |
group_1 | my title | my abstract | 3 | vector | my_points | geom | 0 | SE test - Point (Railway Stations) | a complex variable style (depending on actual scale) | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=1042 (XMLsz=5010) SchemaValidated | 1 | 2 | 4326 |
group_2 | new title | new abstract | 0 | raster | srtm | NULL | 1 | SLD raster - fantasy raster | a style using "don't care" rendering | XmlBLOB-RasterStyle sz=758 (XMLsz=2549) SchemaValidated | NULL | NULL | NULL |
group_2 | new title | new abstract | 1 | vector | my_polygs | geom | 0 | SLD basic test - Polygon (Local Councils) | a style using "don't care" rendering | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=594 (XMLsz=1029) SchemaValidated | 3 | 2 | 4326 |
group_2 | new title | new abstract | 2 | vector | my_points | geom | 0 | SE test - Point (Railway Stations) | a complex variable style (depending on actual scale) | XmlBLOB-VectorStyle sz=1042 (XMLsz=5010) SchemaValidated | 1 | 2 | 4326 |
The SE_styled_groups and SE_styled_group_refs tables are supported by a corresponding VIEW named SE_styled_groups_view.
Caveat: this View will surely by subject to changes in future versions, accordingly to RasterLite-2 development. The current implementation simply is kind-of interim placeholder. |
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