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Few advanced VirtualXPath examples
Now you are supposed to have acquired at least a basic level of understanding and knowledge about XPath.It's time to quickly examine few specic cases specifically related to the GeoSpatial scenario.
SLD/SE styles
- now you have to import all XML samples from the sld-styles folder; performing a full XML validation isn't strictly necessary.
- be sure to import this XML sample into a DB table named styles.
- then create and XPath Virtual Table named xpath_styles supporting the above table.
SELECT t.file_name, x.node FROM xpath_styles AS x JOIN styles AS t ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//dflt:LineSymbolizer' GROUP BY t.file_name, x.node;
file_name | node |
ferovie_se.xml | dflt:LineSymbolizer |
ferrovie_basic.xml | dflt:LineSymbolizer |
A query identifying all styles defining a LineSymbolyzer.
SELECT t.file_name, x.parent, x.node, x.value FROM xpath_styles AS x JOIN styles AS t ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//dflt:Label/ogc:PropertyName/text()' GROUP BY t.file_name, x.node, x.value;
file_name | parent | node | value |
regioni_basic.xml | dflt:Label | ogc:PropertyName | nome_reg |
regioni_se.xml | dflt:Label | ogc:PropertyName | nome_reg |
stazioni_basic.xml | dflt:Label | ogc:PropertyName | name |
stazioni_se.xml | dflt:Label | ogc:PropertyName | name |
... a second query identifying the attribute/column names used to support Labeling.
SELECT t.file_name, x.parent, x.node, x.value FROM xpath_styles AS x JOIN styles AS t ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//dflt:Mark/dflt:WellKnownName/text()' GROUP BY t.file_name, x.parent, x.node, x.value;
file_name | parent | node | value |
stazioni_basic.xml | dflt:Mark | dflt:WellKnownName | circle |
stazioni_se.xml | dflt:Mark | dflt:WellKnownName | circle |
stazioni_se.xml | dflt:Mark | dflt:WellKnownName | star |
... yet another query reporting all marker shapes used as a PointSymbolizer.
SELECT value FROM xpath_styles WHERE xpath_expr = '//dflt:CssParameter[@name="fill"]/text()' GROUP BY value;
value |
#000000 |
#0000ff |
#8F00FF |
#DC143C |
#d0d0d0 |
#d0d0ff |
#d0ffd0 |
#ffd0d0 |
#ffffd0 |
... a further query enumerating all fill colors.
SELECT t.file_name, x.parent, x.node, x.value FROM xpath_styles AS x JOIN styles AS t ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//dflt:CssParameter[@name="stroke-width"]/text()' GROUP BY t.file_name, x.parent, x.node, x.value;
file_name | parent | node | value |
ferovie_se.xml | dflt:Stroke | dflt:CssParameter | 0.5 |
ferovie_se.xml | dflt:Stroke | dflt:CssParameter | 1.5 |
ferovie_se.xml | dflt:Stroke | dflt:CssParameter | 8 |
ferrovie_basic.xml | dflt:Stroke | dflt:CssParameter | 1 |
regioni_basic.xml | dflt:Stroke | dflt:CssParameter | 0.25 |
regioni_se.xml | dflt:Stroke | dflt:CssParameter | 0.25 |
stazioni_se.xml | dflt:Stroke | dflt:CssParameter | 1 |
And finally a last query showing all stroke widths used by LineSymbolizers.
- now you have to import all XML samples from the sensors folder; performing a full XML validation isn't strictly necessary.
- be sure to import this XML sample into a DB table named sensors.
- then create and XPath Virtual Table named xpath_sensors supporting the above table.
SELECT t.file_name, x.value FROM xpath_sensors AS x JOIN sensors AS t ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE xpath_expr = '//dflt:Term[@definition="urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:1.0:longName"]/dflt:value/text()';
file_name | value |
SensorML_Profile_for_Discovery_Example.xml | Weather station 123 on top of the IfGI building |
SensorML_Profile_for_Discovery_Example.xml | OSIRIS Thermometer at weather station 123 |
sml-existing_keywords.xml | OSIRIS Thermometer at weather station 123 |
sml-gmet-intervention_on_land.xml | OSIRIS Thermometer at weather station 123 |
sml-gmet-none.xml | OSIRIS Thermometer at weather station 123 |
sml-no_keywords-boundedby.xml | OSIRIS Thermometer at weather station 123 |
sml-no_keywords-description.xml | OSIRIS Thermometer at weather station 123 |
sml-no_keywords-name.xml | OSIRIS Thermometer at weather station 123 |
sml-no_keywords-none2.xml | OSIRIS Thermometer at weather station 123 |
Retrieving the sensors' long names.
SELECT t.file_name, x.value FROM xpath_sensors AS x JOIN sensors AS t ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE xpath_expr = '//dflt:Term[@definition="urn:ogc:def:classifier:OGC:1.0:sensorType"]/dflt:value/text()';
file_name | value |
SensorML_Profile_for_Discovery_Example.xml | weather station |
SensorML_Profile_for_Discovery_Example.xml | thermometer |
sml-existing_keywords.xml | thermometer |
sml-gmet-intervention_on_land.xml | thermometer |
sml-gmet-none.xml | thermometer |
sml-no_keywords-boundedby.xml | thermometer |
sml-no_keywords-description.xml | thermometer |
sml-no_keywords-name.xml | thermometer |
sml-no_keywords-none2.xml | thermometer |
Extracting the sensors' types.
SELECT t.file_name, MakePointZ(x.value*1.0, y.value*1.0, z.value*1.0) AS Geometry FROM sensors AS t JOIN xpath_sensors AS x ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) JOIN xpath_sensors AS y ON (t.pk_uid = y.pkid) JOIN xpath_sensors AS z ON (t.pk_uid = z.pkid) WHERE t.pk_uid = 1 AND x.xpath_expr = '//swe:Position//swe:Quantity[@axisID="x"]//swe:value/text()' AND y.xpath_expr = '//swe:Position//swe:Quantity[@axisID="y"]//swe:value/text()' AND z.xpath_expr = '//swe:Position//swe:Quantity[@axisID="z"]//swe:value/text()';
file_name | Geometry |
SensorML_Profile_for_Discovery_Example.xml | BLOB sz=68 GEOMETRY |
Creating a Point Geometry corresponding to the sensor's position.
- we'll perform three distinct XPath queries; each one will return one of the XYZ coordinates.
- the relational JOINs are intended to reassemble all cordinates on the same row, thus allowing MakePointZ() to build a Geometry.
- the x.value*1.0 term (and alike) is simply intended to promote a Text value into a genuine Double, as required by MakePointZ().
ISO Metadata / INSPIRE Metadata
- now you have to import all XML samples from the metadata folder; performing a full XML validation isn't strictly necessary.
- be sure to import this XML sample into a DB table named meta.
- then create and XPath Virtual Table named xpath_meta supporting the above table.
SELECT t.file_name, x.value FROM meta AS t JOIN xpath_meta AS x ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//gmd:contact/gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty/gmd:organisationName/gco:CharacterString/text()';
file_name | value |
AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeauty.xml | Natural England |
IGNF_BDCARTOr_2-5.xml | IGN-F |
IGNF_BDORTHOr_2-0.xml | Institut Géographique National (IGN-F) |
inspire-data-example.xml | SDI Unit, Institute for Environment & Sustainability, Joint Research Centre |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | ESA/ESRIN |
metadata-9.xml | Office International de l'eau |
Identifying the responsible party.
SELECT t.file_name, x.value FROM meta AS t JOIN xpath_meta AS x ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//gmd:abstract/gco:CharacterString/text()';
file_name | value |
AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeauty.xml | AONBs are designated areas where protection is afforded to protect and manage the areas for visitors and local residents. By using this data you are accepting the Terms of Use for Natural England’s Information and Data as published at: If you wish to use the data for commercial purposes you should contact Natural England's Enquiry Service, tel: 0845 600 3078, email: |
IGNF_BDCARTOr_2-5.xml | La BD CARTO(r) est une base de données vectorielles décrivant sur l'ensemble du territoire français l'information cartographique aux échelles départementales et régionales. |
IGNF_BDORTHOr_2-0.xml | Le produit BD ORTHO® V2 est une collection de mosaïques d'orthophotographies numériques en couleurs ou en Infra Rouge couleurs, rectifiées dans la projection adaptée au territoire couvert. |
inspire-data-example.xml | IMAGE2000 product 1 individual orthorectified scenes. IMAGE2000 was produced from ETM+ Landsat 7 satellite data and provides a consistent European coverage of individual orthorectified scenes in national map projection systems. The year 2000 was targeted as reference year, but a deviation of maximum 1-year was allowed to obtain a full coverage of Europe, which involves approximately 450 Landsat TM Frames. Where Landsat 7 data were not available, Landsat 5 data have been used instead. The spatial resolution is 25 metres for multispectral and 12.5 metres for panchromatic imagery. |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | The Precise RAnge and Range-Rate Equipment (PRARE) (more info here ) is a highly accurate microwave ranging system aboard the European Remote Sensing Satellites ERS-1 (more info here and here ) and ERS-2 (more info here and here ). The applications of PRARE are: * precise satellite orbit determination (e.g. of altimeter and geodynamic satellites) * earth gravity fieldrecovery * precise point positioning (tectonics) * earth rotationparameter determination and measurement of the ionospheric totalelectron content (TEC) From this collection you may order products of the following types: - ERS-1/2 Precise Orbit Product (ERS.ORB.PRC) |
metadata-9.xml | Le chaînage est réalisé automatiquement sur les cours d'eau codés de la BDCarthage. La méthode a été définie par le Groupe Information Géographique sur l'Eau (GIGE) du SIE. Quand un chaînage à jour existe dans un bassin sur la version de Carthage en cours, celui-ci est réutilisé. |
Extracting the abstracts.
SELECT t.file_name, x.value FROM meta AS t JOIN xpath_meta AS x ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//gmd:MD_Keywords/gmd:keyword/gco:CharacterString/text()';
file_name | value |
AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeauty.xml | Protected sites |
AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeauty.xml | environment |
IGNF_BDCARTOr_2-5.xml | ISO 19139 ; IGN-F |
... | ... |
inspire-data-example.xml | Land cover |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | existing |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | Geology |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | Land cover |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | Spectral/Engineering |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | Platform Characteristics |
... | ... |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | Satellite Orbits |
Identifying the keyworks.
SELECT t.file_name, x.value FROM meta AS t JOIN xpath_meta AS x ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//gmd:MD_Constraints/gmd:useLimitation/gco:CharacterString/text()';
file_name | value |
AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeauty.xml | Use limitation |
IGNF_BDORTHOr_2-0.xml | Base de donnée soumise aux conditions générales d'utilisation des fichiers IGN |
inspire-data-example.xml | no conditions apply |
ISO-Coll_ESA-ERS_ORB_PRC_xS-I-en-formatted.xml | |
Querying legal restrictions or use limitations.
SELECT t.file_name, x.value FROM meta AS t JOIN xpath_meta AS x ON (t.pk_uid = x.pkid) WHERE x.xpath_expr = '//gmd:spatialResolution/gmd:MD_Resolution/gmd:distance/gco:Distance/text()';
file_name | value |
AreasOfOutstandingNaturalBeauty.xml | 1 |
IGNF_BDCARTOr_2-5.xml | 15.00 |
IGNF_BDORTHOr_2-0.xml | 0.50 |
inspire-data-example.xml | 25.0 |
Inquirying the spatial resolution.
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