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Tutorial: how to fully identify Invalid Geometries


Downloading the sample dataset

In this tutorial we'll use am Administrative Shapefile made available from ISTAT, the Italian Census Agency; more precisely we'll use the Local Councils (2011 census) you can download from here:

Loading the sample dataset

Please use the following settings when importing the Shapefile:

Checking for Invalid Geometries (simple)

SELECT pro_com, nome
FROM Com2011_WGS84
WHERE ST_IsValid(geometry) <> 1;
pro_com comune
  72001 Acquaviva delle Fonti
  72037 Rutigliano
  74001 Brindisi
  75031 Gallipoli
  75072 Santa Cesarea Terme
  72040 Sannicandro di Bari
  81019 Santa Ninfa
  87009 Bronte
 107002 Calasetta
 104012 La Maddalena
This first query will identify several invalid geometries; anyway we still continue to ignore why they are invalid.

Checking for Invalid Geometries (using GEOS messages)

SELECT pro_com, nome, GEOS_GetLastWarningMsg(), 
FROM Com2011_WGS84
WHERE ST_IsValid(geometry) <> 1;
pro_com comune                reason                                       geometry
  72001	Acquaviva delle Fonti Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(1158442.637743 4556057.858299)
  72037	Rutigliano            Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(1177064.506819 4571209.19257)
  74001	Brindisi              Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(1258539.785894 4539825.213707)
  75031	Gallipoli             Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(1265551.03412 4472508.244351)
  75072	Santa Cesarea Terme   Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(1308926.03571 4476059.989228)
  72040	Sannicandro di Bari   Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(1154968.428081 4561653.816523)
  81019	Santa Ninfa           Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(841730.1146 4190972.9645)
  87009	Bronte                Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(1028304.0538 4195170.1147)
 107002	Calasetta             Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(444979.6776 4320623.5316)
 104012	La Maddalena          Ring Self-intersection at or near point ...  POINT(528108.5157 4571486.8074)
In this second step we still continue to get the same invalid geometries exactly as before. But in this case we are finally able to fully disclose the invalidity cause: there is some self-intersection.
That's not only; we'll now be able to exactly identify where the self-intersection is. We could eventually open some Desktop GIS and may be attempt to manually apply some corrective action.

Checking for Invalid Geometries (using PostGIS-like functions)

SELECT pro_com, nome, ST_IsValidReason(geometry), 
FROM Com2011_WGS84
WHERE ST_IsValid(geometry) <> 1;
pro_com comune                reason                                                    geometry
  72001 Acquaviva delle Fonti Ring Self-intersection[1158442.63774317 4556057.85829892] POINT(1158442.637743 4556057.858299)
  72037 Rutigliano            Ring Self-intersection[1177064.50681879 4571209.19256991] POINT(1177064.506819 4571209.19257)
  74001 Brindisi              Ring Self-intersection[1258539.785894 4539825.21370734]   POINT(1258539.785894 4539825.213707)
  75031 Gallipoli             Ring Self-intersection[1265551.03412014 4472508.24435147] POINT(1265551.03412 4472508.244351)
  75072 Santa Cesarea Terme   Ring Self-intersection[1308926.03570968 4476059.98922819] POINT(1308926.03571 4476059.989228)
  72040 Sannicandro di Bari   Ring Self-intersection[1154968.42808096 4561653.81652273] POINT(1154968.428081 4561653.816523)
  81019 Santa Ninfa           Ring Self-intersection[841730.1146 4190972.9645]          POINT(841730.1146 4190972.9645)
  87009 Bronte                Ring Self-intersection[1028304.0538 4195170.1147]         POINT(1028304.0538 4195170.1147)
 107002 Calasetta             Ring Self-intersection[444979.6776 4320623.5316]          POINT(444979.6776 4320623.5316)
 104012 La Maddalena          Ring Self-intersection[528108.5157 4571486.8074]          POINT(528108.5157 4571486.8074)
We'll get more or less the same results even when using this second approach. There are slight differences in the text describing the invalidity reason, but there is no substantial difference between the two alternatives.

Subtle differences

SELECT pro_com, nome, ST_IsValid(geometry),
FROM Com2011_WGS84;
pro_com comune          valid   warning error aux  Point
   1004 Albiano d'Ivrea      1  NULL    NULL  NULL NULL
   1005 Alice Superiore	     1  NULL    NULL  NULL NULL

SELECT pro_com, nome, ST_IsValid(geometry),
FROM Com2011_WGS84;
pro_com comune          valid reason          Point
   1004 Albiano d'Ivrea     1 Valid Geometry  NULL
   1005 Alice Superiore     1 Valid Geometry  NULL
Anyway there are few remarkable differences between the two alternatives:
