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Syntax:usage: spatialite_osm_map ARGLIST ============================================================== -h or --help print this help message -o or --osm-path pathname the OSM-XML file path both OSM-XML (*.osm) and OSM-ProtoBuf (*.osm.pbf) are indifferenctly supported. -d or --db-path pathname the SpatiaLite DB path you can specify the following options as well -cs or --cache-size num DB cache size (how many pages) -m or --in-memory using IN-MEMORY database -n or --no-spatial-index suppress R*Trees generation -jo or --journal-off unsafe (but faster) mode |
$ spatialite_osm_map -o my_country.osm.pbf -d my_country.sqlite SQLite version: 3.7.11 SpatiaLite version: 3.1.0 UNRESOLVED-NODE 114601792 ... UNRESOLVED-WAY 39764802 VACUUMing the DB ... wait please ... All done: OSM map was succesfully loaded $ |
the above shown command must be invoked from the shell:
- -o my_country.osm.pbf selects the OSM input file (in this case, of the OSM-protobuf format).
- -d my_country.sqlite selects the SpatiaLite's DB-file to be created and populated.
- you can eventually add any other DB-related optimization switch, if you think it will be useful.
Want to learn more ? read the DB optimization short note
Please note: sometimes you can notice many Unresolved-Node or Unresolved-Way warning messages: dont be too much worried.
This simply means that your OSM input file does actually contains several broken cross-references (i.e. invalid complex Map objects).
This one is a quite common situation, but it's rather innocuous (invalid objects will be simply ignored, fully preserving any other valid object).
Once the command succesfully completes its execution, you'll find a brand new DB-file just created ...
... you can explore this DB-file e.g. using spatialite_gui ...
... or you can connect the DB-file to a more conventional desktop GIS such as QGIS, so to immediately see your map appearing on the screen.
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