The columns
tolerance and
failing_geometry will not be listed
id_rowid |
message |
10 |
Side-location conflict: new edge starts in face 15 and ends in face 16 |
16 |
SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge 44 |
19 |
Side-location conflict: new edge starts in face 0 and ends in face 21 |
25 |
SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge 83 |
26 |
SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge 17 |
- The value of id_rowid: tells us which geometry is causing problems
- message : is telling us what the cause of the error is
all we have to do, if figure out what the
message means and how to deal with it.
SELECT TopoGeo_FromGeoTableExt
( --topo-name to use
-- db-prefex (of an ATTACHed Database,
-- if NULL=MAIN/local-table]
-- table-name of external (non-topo) TABLE
-- column-name of external TABLE
-- (NULL can be used of ONLY 1 Geometry,
-- otherwise column-name of geometry]
-- name of the table intended to store PK values,
-- with error message
-- corresponding to features failing to be imported
-- name of the Spatial View supporting
-- lines-max-points
-- lines-max-length
-- tolerance [default=0]
should be called to display the SpatialView in QGis.
id_rowid=10 |
- Face 15 and Face16 id_rowid=10 [Eastfold] has no face since it failed.
- Face (15+1)=16, id_rowid=14: [Forlindon}
- Face (16+1)=17, id_rowid=15: [Harlindon}
Cause: id_rowid=10 [makes no since at all]
- A new edge for [id_rowid=10, name[Eastfold]] and
- starts in face [face_id=16, id_rowid=14, name[Forlindon]] and
- ends in face [face_id=17, id_rowid=15, name[Harlindon]]
'A new edge for ['||
(SELECT 'id_rowid='||id_rowid||', name['||name||']]' FROM topology_admin_borders_topofeatures_1 WHERE (id_rowid=19))||
' and starts in face ['||
(SELECT 'face_id='||topo_feature.face_id||', id_rowid='||layer_feature.id_rowid||', name['||||']]' FROM topology_admin_borders_topofeatures_1 layer_feature
JOIN topology_admin_borders_topofeatures topo_feature ON (topo_feature.fid=layer_feature.id_rowid) WHERE topo_feature.face_id IN ((0+1)))||
' and ends in face ['||
(SELECT 'face_id='||topo_feature.face_id||', id_rowid='||layer_feature.id_rowid||', name['||||']]' FROM topology_admin_borders_topofeatures_1 layer_feature
JOIN topology_admin_borders_topofeatures topo_feature ON (topo_feature.fid=layer_feature.id_rowid) WHERE topo_feature.face_id IN ((21+1))) AS message;
A new edge for [id_rowid=19, name[Lebennin]] and starts in face [face_id=1, id_rowid=1, name[Andrast (Ras Morthil)]] and ends in face [face_id=22, id_rowid=3, name[Anórien]]
id_rowid=10 |
SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge n1 :
the first question to be resolved is: to which geometry does the edge belong to
id_rowid=25 SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge 83
- Face 15 and Face16 id_rowid=25 [Eastfold] has no face since it failed.
- Face 15=16, id_rowid=14: [Forlindon}
- Face 16=17, id_rowid=15: [Harlindon}
Cause: id_rowid=10 [makes no since at all]
- A new edge for [id_rowid=10, name[Eastfold]] and
- starts in face [face_id=16, id_rowid=14, name[Forlindon]] and
- ends in face [face_id=17, id_rowid=15, name[Harlindon]]
id_rowid=25 SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry crosses edge 83 [feature 29]
'SQL/MM Spatial exception - geometry ['||
(SELECT 'id_rowid='||id_rowid||', name['||name||']]' FROM topology_admin_borders_topofeatures_1 WHERE (id_rowid=25))||
' crosses edge ['||
(SELECT 'face_id='||features.face_id||', id_rowid='||farthings.id_rowid||', name['||||']]' FROM middle_earth_farthings farthings
JOIN topology_admin_borders_topofeatures features ON (features.fid=farthings.id_rowid) WHERE features.face_id IN ((0+1)))||
' and ends in face ['||
(SELECT 'face_id='||features.face_id||', id_rowid='||farthings.id_rowid||', name['||||']]' FROM middle_earth_farthings farthings
JOIN topology_admin_borders_topofeatures features ON (features.fid=farthings.id_rowid) WHERE features.face_id IN ((21+1))) AS message;
source_edge.edge_id, source_edge.geom AS edge_geom,source_edge.left_face,source_edge.right_face, source_face.rowid, source_face.geom AS face_geom,
topo_feature.face_id,topo_feature.fid AS feature_id,
topology_admin_borders_edge source_edge
JOIN topology_admin_borders_face_geoms source_face ON ((source_face.rowid=source_edge.left_face) OR (source_face.rowid=source_edge.right_face))
JOIN topology_admin_borders_topofeatures topo_feature ON (source_face.rowid=topo_feature.face_id)
JOIN topology_admin_borders_topofeatures_1 layer_feature ON (topo_feature.fid=layer_feature.fid)
WHERE (source_edge.edge_id=(83+1))
A new edge for [id_rowid=19, name[Lebennin]] and starts in face [face_id=1, id_rowid=1, name[Andrast (Ras Morthil)]] and ends in face [face_id=22, id_rowid=3, name[Anórien]]