
SpatiaLite Topics

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last updated: 2018-08-20
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Virtual Interfaces

What is a Virtual Interface

SQLite has the nice capability to support Virtual Tables, that is a powerfull mechanism allowing to greatly extend the basic capabilities of the SQL language.
A Virtual Table is not really a table (it actually is a piece of executable code), but designed in such a way that it supports all the usual SQL operations: CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, SELECT, and is some cases INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE (Virtual Tables usually can only support READ-ONLY operations; supporting unrestricted READ-WRITE operations is rather exceptional).
Virtual Tables can be seen as Interfaces, because they are intended to support typical SQL operations on something external to the ordinary Database logic.
There are two big families of Virtual Interfaces:
  1. Virtual Interfaces allowing to directly access data stored outside the Database, or stored within the Database but adopting some non-native encoding.
    • Virtual Interfaces accessing external datasources: VirtualShape, VirtualDBF, VirtualText, VirtualXL, VirtualPostgres
    • Virtual Interfaces converting to/from non-native Geometries: VirtualFDO, VirtualGPKG
  2. Virtual Interfaces allowing to query the results of some more or less complex Algorithm.
    • VirtualRouting, VirtualKNN and so on

Virtual Interface Topics

TopicWiki pageInitial introduction
Direct access to external ShapeFiles: VirtualShapereadsince version 1.0
Direct access to external DBF Files: VirtualDBFreadsince version 2.4.0
Direct access to external Text Files (*.txt, *.csv): VirtualTextreadsince version 2.2.0
Direct access to external MS Excel spreasheets (*.xls): VirtualXLreadsince version 2.4.0
Direct access to external PostgreSQL/PostGIS DBMS: VirtualPostgresreadN.A. independent package (2011)
Automatic conversion to/from FDO Geometries: VirtualFDOreadsince version 2.3.0
Automatic conversion to/from GeoPackage Geometries: VirtualGPKGreadsince version 4.0.0
Sql based Routing module: VirtualRoutingreadsince version 4.5.0
Searching Nearest Neighbors: VirtualKNNreadsince version 4.4.0
Separate complex geometries into distinct elements: VirtualElementaryreadsince version 4.2.1
Module that enables SpatiaLite to directly perform XPath queries : VirtualXPathreadsince version 4.1.0
Access different datasources using Gdal/Ogr: VirtualOGRreadN.A. independent package (2012)
Obsolete former Routing module: VirtualNetwork used with spatialite_network, replaced with VirtualRoutingreadsince version 4.2.1

Spatialite Tools

The Spatialite Tools Fossil Repository
  • is contained in a seperate repository (all links will not return to this page)
The main SpatiaLite-Tools Wiki page

List of Spatialite Tools Topics

TopicWiki pageInitial introduction
a complete CLI front-end, more or less equivalent to the well known sqlite3 front-end, but fully supporting SpatiaLite: spatialitereadsince version 4.4.0
Create, Update, Query a Dem-Database: spatialite_demreadsince version 4.5.0
spatialite_osm_map/raw/filter/filter and overpass : OSM toolsreadsince version 4.4.0
Using the spatialite_convert toolreadsince version 4.0.0

Spatialite Topology (5.0.0)

Under development

ISO Topology: Index

TopicWiki pageInitial introduction
ISO Topology: a quick intro: Spatialite Topology - 01readsince version 5.0.0
Topology: basic DB layout: Spatialite Topology - 02readsince version 5.0.0
Topology-Geometry: ISO SQL Functions: Spatialite Topology - 03readsince version 5.0.0
Topology-Network: ISO SQL Functions: Spatialite Topology - 04readsince version 5.0.0
Topology editing by using basic ISO SQL function: Spatialite Topology - 05readsince version 5.0.0
Network editing by using basic ISO SQL function: Spatialite Topology - 06readsince version 5.0.0
Topology-Geometry: an intermediate tutorial: Spatialite Topology - 07readsince version 5.0.0
Topology-Geometry: an advanced tutorial: Spatialite Topology - 08readsince version 5.0.0

Summaries of topics on major version changes

Relevant changes for major versions

Relevant changes for major versions

TopicWiki pageInitial introduction
Documentation and Tutorials about recent changes and new features: 4.3.0readsince version 4.3.0
Documentation and Tutorials about recent changes and new features: 4.2.0readsince version 4.2.0
New SQL functions introduced in: 4.2.0readsince version 4.2.0
New SQL functions introduced in: 4.1.0readsince version 4.1.0
Documentation and Tutorials: 4.1.0readsince version 4.1.0
Switching to: 4.0.0readsince version 4.0.0

last updated: 2018-08-20
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