SpatiaLite  4.0.0-RC1
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Data Fields
gaiaExifTagStruct Struct Reference

Container for an EXIF tag. More...

#include <gaiaexif.h>

Collaboration diagram for gaiaExifTagStruct:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

char Gps
 GPS data included (0/1)
unsigned short TagId
 EXIF tag ID.
unsigned short Type
 EXIF value type.
unsigned short Count
 number of values
unsigned char TagOffset [4]
 tag offset [big- little-endian encoded]
unsigned char * ByteValue
 array of BYTE values
char * StringValue
 array of STRING values
unsigned short * ShortValues
 array of SHORT values
unsigned int * LongValues
 array of LONG values ]
unsigned int * LongRationals1
 array of RATIONAL values [numerators]
unsigned int * LongRationals2
 array of RATIONAL values [denominators]
short * SignedShortValues
 array of Signed SHORT values
int * SignedLongValues
 array of Signed LONG values
int * SignedLongRationals1
 array of Signed RATIONAL values [numerators]
int * SignedLongRationals2
 array of Signed RATIONAL values [denominators]
float * FloatValues
 array of FLOAT values
double * DoubleValues
 array of DOUBLE values
struct gaiaExifTagStructNext
 pointer to next item into the linked list

Detailed Description

Container for an EXIF tag.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: