Main SpatiaLite header file. More...
#include <spatialite/gaiageo.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | SPLITE_AXIS_1 0x51 |
#define | SPLITE_AXIS_2 0x52 |
#define | SPLITE_AXIS_NAME 0x3e |
Functions | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_initialize (void) |
Initializes the library. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_shutdown (void) |
Finalizes the library. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE const char * | spatialite_version (void) |
Return the current library version. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE const char * | spatialite_target_cpu (void) |
Return the target CPU name. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void * | spatialite_alloc_connection (void) |
Initializes the internal memory block supporting each connection. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_set_silent_mode (const void *ptr) |
Disables reporting GEOS/RTTOPO error and warnings on stderr. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_set_verbode_mode (const void *ptr) |
Enables reporting GEOS/RTTOPO error and warnings on stderr. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_init (int verbose) |
Initializes a SpatiaLite connection. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_init_ex (sqlite3 *db_handle, const void *ptr, int verbose) |
Initializes a SpatiaLite connection. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_init_geos (void) |
Initializes the GEOS library. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_cleanup (void) |
Cleanup a SpatiaLite connection. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_cleanup_ex (const void *ptr) |
Cleanup a SpatiaLite connection. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | spatialite_finalize_topologies (const void *ptr) |
Partially Cleaning-up a SpatiaLite connection. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | enable_tiny_point (const void *ptr) |
Enables the BLOB-TinyPoint encoding. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | disable_tiny_point (const void *ptr) |
Disables the BLOB-TinyPoint encoding. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | is_tiny_point_enabled (const void *ptr) |
Checks if the BLOB-TinyPoint encoding is enabled or not. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_shapefile (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *column, char *shp_path, char *charset, char *geom_type, int verbose, int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external Shapefile. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_shapefile_ex (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *column, char *shp_path, char *charset, char *geom_type, int verbose, int *rows, int colcase_name, char *err_msg) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external Shapefile. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_shapefile_ex2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, void *proj_ctx, char *table, char *column, char *shp_path, char *charset, char *geom_type, int verbose, int *rows, int colcase_name, char *err_msg) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external Shapefile. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_shapefile (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *shp_path, char *table, char *charset, int srid, char *column, int coerce2d, int compressed, int verbose, int spatial_index, int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external Shapefile into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_shapefile_ex (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *shp_path, char *table, char *charset, int srid, char *geo_column, char *gtype, char *pk_column, int coerce2d, int compressed, int verbose, int spatial_index, int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external Shapefile into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_shapefile_ex2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *shp_path, char *table, char *charset, int srid, char *geo_column, char *gtype, char *pk_column, int coerce2d, int compressed, int verbose, int spatial_index, int text_date, int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external Shapefile into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_shapefile_ex3 (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *shp_path, const char *table, const char *charset, int srid, const char *geo_column, const char *gtype, const char *pk_column, int coerce2d, int compressed, int verbose, int spatial_index, int text_date, int *rows, int colname_case, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external Shapefile into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_zip_shapefile (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *zip_path, const char *shp_path, const char *table, const char *charset, int srid, const char *geo_column, const char *gtype, const char *pk_column, int coerce2d, int compressed, int verbose, int spatial_index, int text_date, int *rows, int colname_case, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external Shapefile (from Zipfile) into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_dbf (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *dbf_path, char *table, char *charset, int verbose, int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external DBF file into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_dbf_ex (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *dbf_path, char *table, char *pk_column, char *charset, int verbose, int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external DBF file into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_dbf_ex2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *dbf_path, char *table, char *pk_column, char *charset, int verbose, int text_date, int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external DBF file into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_dbf_ex3 (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *dbf_path, const char *table, const char *pk_column, const char *charset, int verbose, int text_date, int *rows, int colname_case, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external DBF file into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_zip_dbf (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *zip_file, const char *dbf_path, const char *table, const char *pk_column, const char *charset, int verbose, int text_date, int *rows, int colname_case, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external DBF file (from Zipfile) into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_dbf (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *dbf_path, char *charset, char *err_msg) |
Dumps a full table into an external DBF file. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_dbf_ex (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *dbf_path, char *charset, int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Dumps a full table into an external DBF file. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_dbf_ex2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *dbf_path, char *charset, int *rows, int colname_case, char *err_msg) |
Dumps a full table into an external DBF file. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_XL (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *path, const char *table, unsigned int worksheetIndex, int first_titles, unsigned int *rows, char *err_msg) |
Loads an external spreadsheet (.xls) file into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE double | math_round (double value) |
A portable replacement for C99 round() More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE sqlite3_int64 | math_llabs (sqlite3_int64 value) |
A portable replacement for C99 llabs() More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | spatial_ref_sys_init (sqlite3 *sqlite, int verbose) |
Inserts the inlined EPSG dataset into the "spatial_ref_sys" table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | spatial_ref_sys_init2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, int mode, int verbose) |
Inserts the inlined EPSG dataset into the "spatial_ref_sys" table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | insert_epsg_srid (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid) |
Inserts some inlined EPSG definition into the "spatial_ref_sys" table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | srid_is_geographic (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid, int *geographic) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table determining if it is of the geographic type More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | srid_is_projected (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid, int *projected) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table determining if it is of the projected type More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | srid_has_flipped_axes (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid, int *flipped) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table determining if the axes order is X-Y or Y-X More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char * | srid_get_spheroid (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Spheroid name More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char * | srid_get_prime_meridian (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Prime Meridian name More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char * | srid_get_projection (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Projection name More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char * | srid_get_datum (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Datum name More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char * | srid_get_unit (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Unit name More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char * | srid_get_axis (sqlite3 *sqlite, int srid, char axis, char mode) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning an Axis definition More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | is_kml_constant (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *column) |
Checks if a column is actually defined into the given table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_kml (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *geom_col, char *kml_path, char *name_col, char *desc_col, int precision) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external KML file. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_kml_ex (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *geom_col, char *kml_path, char *name_col, char *desc_col, int precision, int *rows) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external KML file. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | check_duplicated_rows (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, int *dupl_count) |
Checks for duplicated rows into the same table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | remove_duplicated_rows (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table) |
Remove duplicated rows from a table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | remove_duplicated_rows_ex (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, int *removed) |
Remove duplicated rows from a table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | remove_duplicated_rows_ex2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, int *removed, int transaction) |
Remove duplicated rows from a table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | elementary_geometries (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *inTable, char *geometry, char *outTable, char *pKey, char *multiId) |
Creates a derived table surely containing elementary Geometries. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | elementary_geometries_ex (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *inTable, char *geometry, char *outTable, char *pKey, char *multiId, int *rows) |
Creates a derived table surely containing elementary Geometries. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | elementary_geometries_ex2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *inTable, char *geometry, char *outTable, char *pKey, char *multiId, int *rows, int transaction) |
Creates a derived table surely containing elementary Geometries. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | elementary_geometries_ex3 (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *inTable, char *geometry, char *outTable, char *pKey, char *multiId, const void *options, int *rows, int transaction) |
Creates a derived table surely containing elementary Geometries. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_geojson (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *geom_col, char *outfile_path, int precision, int option) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external GeoJSON file (old specification) More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_geojson_ex (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *geom_col, char *outfile_path, int precision, int option, int *rows) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external GeoJSON file (old specification) More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | dump_geojson2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *table, char *geom_col, char *outfile_path, int precision, int lon_lat, int m_coords, int indented, int colname_case, int *rows, char **error_message) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external GeoJSON file (RFC 7946) More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | load_geojson (sqlite3 *sqlite, char *path, char *table, char *column, int spatial_index, int srid, int colname_case, int *rows, char **error_message) |
Loads an external GeoJSON file into a newly created table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | update_layer_statistics (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *table, const char *column) |
Updates the LAYER_STATICS metadata table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaStatisticsInvalidate (sqlite3 *handle, const char *table, const char *geometry) |
Immediately and unconditionally invalidates the already existing Statistics. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE gaiaGeomCollPtr | gaiaGetLayerExtent (sqlite3 *handle, const char *table, const char *geometry, int mode) |
Queries the Metadata tables returning the Layer Full Extent. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE gaiaVectorLayersListPtr | gaiaGetVectorLayersList (sqlite3 *handle, const char *table, const char *geometry, int mode) |
Queries the Metadata tables supporting Vector Layers. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaCreateMetaCatalogTables (sqlite3 *handle) |
Creates (or re-creates) the "splite_metacatalog" and "splite_metacalog_statistics" tables. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaUpdateMetaCatalogStatistics (sqlite3 *handle, const char *table, const char *column) |
Updates the "splite_metacatalog_statistics" table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaUpdateMetaCatalogStatisticsFromMaster (sqlite3 *handle, const char *master_table, const char *table_name, const char *column_name) |
Updates the "splite_metacatalog_statistics" table (using a Master Table). More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void | gaiaFreeVectorLayersList (gaiaVectorLayersListPtr ptr) |
Destroys a VectorLayersList object. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaDropTable (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *table) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaDropTableEx (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *prefix, const char *table) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaDropTableEx2 (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *prefix, const char *table, int transaction) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaDropTableEx3 (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *prefix, const char *table, int transaction, char **error_message) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaDropTable5 (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *prefix, const char *table, char **error_message) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaRenameTable (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *prefix, const char *old_name, const char *new_name, char **error_message) |
Renames a Table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaRenameColumn (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *prefix, const char *table, const char *old_name, const char *new_name, char **error_message) |
Renames a Table's Column. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | check_geometry_column (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *table, const char *geom, const char *report_path, int *n_rows, int *n_invalids, char **err_msg) |
Checks a Geometry Column for validity. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | check_geometry_column_r (const void *p_cache, sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *table, const char *geom, const char *report_path, int *n_rows, int *n_invalids, char **err_msg) |
Checks a Geometry Column for validity. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | check_all_geometry_columns (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *output_dir, int *n_invalids, char **err_msg) |
Checks all Geometry Columns for validity. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | check_all_geometry_columns_r (const void *p_cache, sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *output_dir, int *n_invalids, char **err_msg) |
Checks all Geometry Columns for validity. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | sanitize_geometry_column (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *table, const char *geom, const char *tmp_table, const char *report_path, int *n_invalids, int *n_repaired, int *n_discarded, int *n_failures, char **err_msg) |
Sanitizes a Geometry Column making all invalid geometries to be valid. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | sanitize_geometry_column_r (const void *p_cache, sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *table, const char *geom, const char *tmp_table, const char *report_path, int *n_invalids, int *n_repaired, int *n_discarded, int *n_failures, char **err_msg) |
Sanitizes a Geometry Column making all invalid geometries to be valid. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | sanitize_all_geometry_columns (sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *tmp_prefix, const char *output_dir, int *not_repaired, char **err_msg) |
Sanitizes all Geometry Columns making all invalid geometries to be valid. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | sanitize_all_geometry_columns_r (const void *p_cache, sqlite3 *sqlite, const char *tmp_prefix, const char *output_dir, int *not_repaired, char **err_msg) |
Sanitizes all Geometry Columns making all invalid geometries to be valid. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaCutter (sqlite3 *db_handle, const void *cache, const char *in_db_prefix, const char *input_table, const char *input_geom, const char *blade_db_prefix, const char *blade_table, const char *blade_geom, const char *output_table, int transaction, int ram_tmp_store, char **message) |
Will precisely cut the input dataset against polygonal blade(s) and will consequently create and populate an output dataset. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaia_create_routing_nodes (sqlite3 *db_handle, const void *cache, const char *prefix, const char *table, const char *geom_column, const char *from_column, const char *to_column) |
Will attempt to create the Routing Nodes columns for a spatial table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaia_create_routing (sqlite3 *db_handle, const void *cache, const char *routing_data_table, const char *virtual_routing_table, const char *input_table, const char *from_column, const char *to_column, const char *geom_column, const char *cost_column, const char *name_column, int a_star_enabled, int bidirectional, const char *oneway_from, const char *oneway_to, int overwrite) |
Will attempt to create a VirtualRouting from an input table. More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE gaiaGeomCollPtr | gaiaGetRTreeFullExtent (sqlite3 *db_handle, const char *db_prefix, const char *name, int srid) |
Will attempt to retrieve the Full Extent from an R*Tree (SpatiaLite) More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE gaiaGeomCollPtr | gaiaGetGpkgRTreeFullExtent (sqlite3 *db_handle, const char *db_prefix, const char *name, int srid) |
Will attempt to retrieve the Full Extent from an R*Tree (GeoPackage) More... | |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE const char * | gaia_create_routing_get_last_error (const void *cache) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaGPKG2Spatialite (sqlite3 *handle_in, const char *gpkg_in_path, sqlite3 *handle_out, const char *splite_out_path) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaSpatialite2GPKG (sqlite3 *handle_in, const char *splite_in_path, sqlite3 *handle_out, const char *gpkg_out_path) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE const void * | gaiaGetCurrentProjContext (const void *cache) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaSetCurrentCachedProj (const void *cache, void *pj, const char *proj_string_1, const char *proj_string_2, void *area) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void * | gaiaGetCurrentCachedProj (const void *cache) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int | gaiaCurrentCachedProjMatches (const void *cache, const char *proj_string_1, const char *proj_string_2, void *area) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char * | gaiaGetDbObjectScope (sqlite3 *handle, const char *db_prefix, const char *obj_name) |
Main SpatiaLite header file.
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int check_all_geometry_columns | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | output_dir, | ||
int * | n_invalids, | ||
char ** | err_msg | ||
) |
Checks all Geometry Columns for validity.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
output_dir | pathname of the directory to be created for report-files |
n_invalids | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of invalid Geometries found |
err_msg | if this variable is not NULL and the return status is ZERO (failure), an appropriate error message will be returned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int check_all_geometry_columns_r | ( | const void * | p_cache, |
sqlite3 * | sqlite, | ||
const char * | output_dir, | ||
int * | n_invalids, | ||
char ** | err_msg | ||
) |
Checks all Geometry Columns for validity.
p_cache | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
output_dir | pathname of the directory to be created for report-files |
n_invalids | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of invalid Geometries found |
err_msg | if this variable is not NULL and the return status is ZERO (failure), an appropriate error message will be returned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void check_duplicated_rows | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
int * | dupl_count | ||
) |
Checks for duplicated rows into the same table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table to be checked |
dupl_count | on completion will contain the number of duplicated rows found |
value (excluding any Primary Key column) is exacly the same
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int check_geometry_column | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | geom, | ||
const char * | report_path, | ||
int * | n_rows, | ||
int * | n_invalids, | ||
char ** | err_msg | ||
) |
Checks a Geometry Column for validity.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table |
geometry | name of the column to be checked |
report_path | pathname of the report-file |
n_rows | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of rows found into the checkeck table |
n_invalids | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of invalid Geometries found into the checkeck table |
err_msg | if this variable is not NULL and the return status is ZERO (failure), an appropriate error message will be returned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int check_geometry_column_r | ( | const void * | p_cache, |
sqlite3 * | sqlite, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | geom, | ||
const char * | report_path, | ||
int * | n_rows, | ||
int * | n_invalids, | ||
char ** | err_msg | ||
) |
Checks a Geometry Column for validity.
p_cache | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table |
geometry | name of the column to be checked |
report_path | pathname of the report-file |
n_rows | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of rows found into the checkeck table |
n_invalids | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of invalid Geometries found into the checkeck table |
err_msg | if this variable is not NULL and the return status is ZERO (failure), an appropriate error message will be returned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void disable_tiny_point | ( | const void * | ptr | ) |
Disables the BLOB-TinyPoint encoding.
ptr | the same memory pointer passed to the corresponding call to spatialite_init_ex() and returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_dbf | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | dbf_path, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Dumps a full table into an external DBF file.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
dbf_path | pathname of the DBF to be exported |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_dbf_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | dbf_path, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Dumps a full table into an external DBF file.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
dbf_path | pathname of the DBF to be exported |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of exported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_dbf_ex2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | dbf_path, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | colname_case, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Dumps a full table into an external DBF file.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
dbf_path | pathname of the DBF to be exported |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of exported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_geojson | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | geom_col, | ||
char * | outfile_path, | ||
int | precision, | ||
int | option | ||
) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external GeoJSON file (old specification)
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
geom_col | the name of the geometry column |
outfile_path | pathname for the GeoJSON file to be written to |
precision | number of decimal digits for coordinates |
option | the format to use for output |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_geojson2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | geom_col, | ||
char * | outfile_path, | ||
int | precision, | ||
int | lon_lat, | ||
int | m_coords, | ||
int | indented, | ||
int | colname_case, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char ** | error_message | ||
) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external GeoJSON file (RFC 7946)
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
geom_col | the name of the geometry column |
outfile_path | pathname for the GeoJSON file to be written to |
precision | number of decimal digits for coordinates |
lon_lat | TRUE if all coordinates are expressed as WGS84 longitudes and latitudes (as required by RFC 7946); FALSE if they are in some other (undefined) CRS |
m_coords | TRUE if M-values will be exported as ordinary coordinates; FALSE for strict RFC 4796 conformance (no M-Values at all) |
indent | TRUE if the GeoJSON file will be properly indented for enhanced human readibility; FALSE if the GeoJSON file will be in a single monolithic line without blank spaces. |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of exported rows |
error_message | will point to a diagnostic error message in case of failure, otherwise NULL |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_geojson_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | geom_col, | ||
char * | outfile_path, | ||
int | precision, | ||
int | option, | ||
int * | rows | ||
) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external GeoJSON file (old specification)
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
geom_col | the name of the geometry column |
outfile_path | pathname for the GeoJSON file to be written to |
precision | number of decimal digits for coordinates |
option | the format to use for output |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of exported rows |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_kml | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | geom_col, | ||
char * | kml_path, | ||
char * | name_col, | ||
char * | desc_col, | ||
int | precision | ||
) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external KML file.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
geom_col | the name of the geometry column |
kml_path | pathname of the KML file to be exported |
name_col | column to be used for KML "name" (may be null) |
desc_col | column to be used for KML "description" (may be null) |
precision | number of decimal digits for coordinates |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_kml_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | geom_col, | ||
char * | kml_path, | ||
char * | name_col, | ||
char * | desc_col, | ||
int | precision, | ||
int * | rows | ||
) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external KML file.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
geom_col | the name of the geometry column |
kml_path | pathname of the KML file to be exported |
name_col | column to be used for KML "name" (may be null) |
desc_col | column to be used for KML "description" (may be null) |
precision | number of decimal digits for coordinates |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of exported rows |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_shapefile | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | column, | ||
char * | shp_path, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
char * | geom_type, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external Shapefile.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
column | the name of the geometry column |
shp_path | pathname of the Shapefile to be exported (no suffix) |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of exported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_shapefile_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | column, | ||
char * | shp_path, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
char * | geom_type, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | colcase_name, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external Shapefile.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
column | the name of the geometry column |
shp_path | pathname of the Shapefile to be exported (no suffix) |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of exported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int dump_shapefile_ex2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
void * | proj_ctx, | ||
char * | table, | ||
char * | column, | ||
char * | shp_path, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
char * | geom_type, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | colcase_name, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Dumps a full geometry-table into an external Shapefile.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
proj_ctx | pointer to the current PROJ.6 context (may be NULL) |
table | the name of the table to be exported |
column | the name of the geometry column |
shp_path | pathname of the Shapefile to be exported (no suffix) |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of exported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void elementary_geometries | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | inTable, | ||
char * | geometry, | ||
char * | outTable, | ||
char * | pKey, | ||
char * | multiId | ||
) |
Creates a derived table surely containing elementary Geometries.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
inTable | name of the input table |
geometry | name of the Geometry column |
outTable | name of the output table to be created |
pKey | name of the Primary Key column in the output table |
multiId | name of the column identifying origins in the output table |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void elementary_geometries_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | inTable, | ||
char * | geometry, | ||
char * | outTable, | ||
char * | pKey, | ||
char * | multiId, | ||
int * | rows | ||
) |
Creates a derived table surely containing elementary Geometries.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
inTable | name of the input table |
geometry | name of the Geometry column |
outTable | name of the output table to be created |
pKey | name of the Primary Key column in the output table |
multiId | name of the column identifying origins in the output table |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of inserted rows |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void elementary_geometries_ex2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | inTable, | ||
char * | geometry, | ||
char * | outTable, | ||
char * | pKey, | ||
char * | multiId, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | transaction | ||
) |
Creates a derived table surely containing elementary Geometries.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
inTable | name of the input table |
geometry | name of the Geometry column |
outTable | name of the output table to be created |
pKey | name of the Primary Key column in the output table |
multiId | name of the column identifying origins in the output table |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of inserted rows |
transaction | boolena; if set to TRUE will internally handle a SQL Transaction |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void elementary_geometries_ex3 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | inTable, | ||
char * | geometry, | ||
char * | outTable, | ||
char * | pKey, | ||
char * | multiId, | ||
const void * | options, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | transaction | ||
) |
Creates a derived table surely containing elementary Geometries.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
inTable | name of the input table |
geometry | name of the Geometry column |
outTable | name of the output table to be created |
pKey | name of the Primary Key column in the output table |
multiId | name of the column identifying origins in the output table |
options | pointer to an Options list created by gaiaAuxClonerCreate() |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of inserted rows |
transaction | boolena; if set to TRUE will internally handle a SQL Transaction |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void enable_tiny_point | ( | const void * | ptr | ) |
Enables the BLOB-TinyPoint encoding.
ptr | the same memory pointer passed to the corresponding call to spatialite_init_ex() and returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaia_create_routing | ( | sqlite3 * | db_handle, |
const void * | cache, | ||
const char * | routing_data_table, | ||
const char * | virtual_routing_table, | ||
const char * | input_table, | ||
const char * | from_column, | ||
const char * | to_column, | ||
const char * | geom_column, | ||
const char * | cost_column, | ||
const char * | name_column, | ||
int | a_star_enabled, | ||
int | bidirectional, | ||
const char * | oneway_from, | ||
const char * | oneway_to, | ||
int | overwrite | ||
) |
Will attempt to create a VirtualRouting from an input table.
db_handle | handle to the current SQLite connection |
cache | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
routing_data_table | name of the Routing Data Table to be created. |
virtual_routing_table | name of the VirtualRouting Table to be created. |
input_table | name of the input table to be processed. |
from_column | name of the input table column containing NodeFrom. |
to_column | name of the input table column containing NodeTo. |
geom_column | name of the input table column containing Linestring Geometries (could be eventually NULL). |
cost_column | name of the input table column containing Cost values (could be eventually NULL). |
name_column | name of the input table column containing RoadName (could be eventually NULL). |
a_star_enabled | if set to TRUE the Routing Data Table will support both Djiskra's Shortest Path and A* algorithms; if set to FALSE only the Djiskra's algorithm will be supported. |
bidirectional | if set to TRUE all input arcs/links will be assumed to be bidirectional (from-to and to-from); if set to FALSE all input arcs/links will be assumed to be unidirectional (from-to only). |
oneway_from | name of the input table column containing OneWayFrom (could be eventually NULL). |
oneway_to | name of the input table column containing OneWayTo (could be eventually NULL). |
overwrite | if set to TRUE both the Routing Data Table and the VirtualRouting Table will be dropped if already existing; if set to FALSE an already existing Routing Data Table or VirtualRouting Table will cause a fatal error. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaia_create_routing_nodes | ( | sqlite3 * | db_handle, |
const void * | cache, | ||
const char * | prefix, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | geom_column, | ||
const char * | from_column, | ||
const char * | to_column | ||
) |
Will attempt to create the Routing Nodes columns for a spatial table.
db_handle | handle to the current SQLite connection |
cache | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the target DB (could be eventually NULL) |
table | name of the table to be processed. |
geom_column | name of the table column containing Linestring Geometries (could be eventually NULL). |
from_column | name of the table column where NodeFrom values will be stored. |
to_column | name of the column where ToFrom values will be stored. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaCreateMetaCatalogTables | ( | sqlite3 * | handle | ) |
Creates (or re-creates) the "splite_metacatalog" and "splite_metacalog_statistics" tables.
handle | SQLite handle to current DB connection. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaCutter | ( | sqlite3 * | db_handle, |
const void * | cache, | ||
const char * | in_db_prefix, | ||
const char * | input_table, | ||
const char * | input_geom, | ||
const char * | blade_db_prefix, | ||
const char * | blade_table, | ||
const char * | blade_geom, | ||
const char * | output_table, | ||
int | transaction, | ||
int | ram_tmp_store, | ||
char ** | message | ||
) |
Will precisely cut the input dataset against polygonal blade(s) and will consequently create and populate an output dataset.
db_handle | handle to the current SQLite connection |
cache | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
in_db_prefix | prefix of the database where the input table is expected to be found. if NULL then "MAIN" will be assumed. |
input_table | name of the input table to be processed. |
input_geometry | name of the input table Geometry column; it could be NULL and in this case the appropriate column name will be automatically determind. anyway if the input table do contains two or more Geometries passing a NULL geometry name will raise a fatal error. |
blade_db_prefix | prefix of the database where the "blade" table is expected to be found. if NULL then "MAIN" will be assumed. |
blade_table | name of the table expected to contain Polygons or MultiPolygon Geometries acting as blades. |
blade_geometry | name of the "blade" table Geometry column; it could be NULL and in this case the appropriate column name will be automatically determind. anyway if the input table do contains two or more Geometries passing a NULL geometry name will raise a fatal error. |
output_table | name to assinged to the destination table intended to permanently store all results. this table must non exists. |
transaction | boolean; if set to TRUE will internally handle a SQL Transaction. |
ram_tmp_store | boolean: if set to TRUE all TEMPORARY tables and indices will be created in RAM, otherwise in a file. |
message | pointer to a string buffer; if not NULL it will point on completion an eventual error message. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaDropTable | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | table | ||
) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table to be removed |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaDropTable5 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | prefix, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
char ** | error_message | ||
) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the target DB "main" always identifies the main DB (primary, not Attached). |
table | name of the table or view to be dropped |
error_message | will point to a diagnostic error message in case of failure, otherwise NULL |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaDropTableEx | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | prefix, | ||
const char * | table | ||
) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the target DB "main" always identifies the main DB (primary, not Attached). |
table | name of the table to be removed |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaDropTableEx2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | prefix, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
int | transaction | ||
) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the target DB "main" always identifies the main DB (primary, not Attached). |
table | name of the table to be removed |
transaction | boolena; if set to TRUE will internally handle a SQL Transaction |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaDropTableEx3 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | prefix, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
int | transaction, | ||
char ** | error_message | ||
) |
Drops a layer-table, removing any related dependency.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the target DB "main" always identifies the main DB (primary, not Attached). |
table | name of the table to be removed |
transaction | boolean; if set to TRUE will internally handle a SQL Transaction |
error_message | will point to a diagnostic error message in case of failure, otherwise NULL |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void gaiaFreeVectorLayersList | ( | gaiaVectorLayersListPtr | ptr | ) |
Destroys a VectorLayersList object.
ptr | pointer to the VectorLayersList object to be destroyed |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE gaiaGeomCollPtr gaiaGetGpkgRTreeFullExtent | ( | sqlite3 * | db_handle, |
const char * | db_prefix, | ||
const char * | name, | ||
int | srid | ||
) |
Will attempt to retrieve the Full Extent from an R*Tree (GeoPackage)
db_handle | handle to the current SQLite connection |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the DB containing the R*Tree "main" always identifies the main DB (primary, not Attached). |
name | the name of the R*Tree table |
srid | the intended SRID for the R*Tree |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE gaiaGeomCollPtr gaiaGetLayerExtent | ( | sqlite3 * | handle, |
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | geometry, | ||
int | mode | ||
) |
Queries the Metadata tables returning the Layer Full Extent.
handle | SQLite handle to current DB connection. |
table | VectorLayer Table (or View, or VirtualShape). |
geometry | Geometry Column name. |
mode | if TRUE a PESSIMISTIC statistics update will be implied, otherwise OPTIMISTIC. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE gaiaGeomCollPtr gaiaGetRTreeFullExtent | ( | sqlite3 * | db_handle, |
const char * | db_prefix, | ||
const char * | name, | ||
int | srid | ||
) |
Will attempt to retrieve the Full Extent from an R*Tree (SpatiaLite)
db_handle | handle to the current SQLite connection |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the DB containing the R*Tree "main" always identifies the main DB (primary, not Attached). |
name | the name of the R*Tree table |
srid | the intended SRID for the R*Tree |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE gaiaVectorLayersListPtr gaiaGetVectorLayersList | ( | sqlite3 * | handle, |
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | geometry, | ||
int | mode | ||
) |
Queries the Metadata tables supporting Vector Layers.
handle | SQLite handle to current DB connection. |
table | VectorLayer Table (or View, or VirtualShape). |
geometry | Geometry Column name. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaRenameColumn | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | prefix, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | old_name, | ||
const char * | new_name, | ||
char ** | error_message | ||
) |
Renames a Table's Column.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the target DB "main" always identifies the main DB (primary, not Attached). |
table | name of the table containing the column to be renamed (always expected to be in the MAIN database). |
old_name | current name of the column to be renamed |
new_name | new column name to be set |
error_message | will point to a diagnostic error message in case of failure, otherwise NULL |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaRenameTable | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | prefix, | ||
const char * | old_name, | ||
const char * | new_name, | ||
char ** | error_message | ||
) |
Renames a Table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
prefix | schema prefix identifying the target DB "main" always identifies the main DB (primary, not Attached). |
old_name | current name of the table to be renamed (always expected to be in the MAIN database). |
new_name | new table name to be set |
error_message | will point to a diagnostic error message in case of failure, otherwise NULL |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaStatisticsInvalidate | ( | sqlite3 * | handle, |
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | geometry | ||
) |
Immediately and unconditionally invalidates the already existing Statistics.
handle | SQLite handle to current DB connection. |
table | VectorLayer Table (or View, or VirtualShape). |
geometry | Geometry Column name. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaUpdateMetaCatalogStatistics | ( | sqlite3 * | handle, |
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | column | ||
) |
Updates the "splite_metacatalog_statistics" table.
handle | SQLite handle to current DB connection. |
table | name of the table to be processed. |
column | name of the column to be processed. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int gaiaUpdateMetaCatalogStatisticsFromMaster | ( | sqlite3 * | handle, |
const char * | master_table, | ||
const char * | table_name, | ||
const char * | column_name | ||
) |
Updates the "splite_metacatalog_statistics" table (using a Master Table).
handle | SQLite handle to current DB connection. |
master_table | name of the master-table controlling the whole process. |
table_name | name of the column into the master-table containing table-names. |
column_name | name of the column into the master-table containing column-names. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int insert_epsg_srid | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid | ||
) |
Inserts some inlined EPSG definition into the "spatial_ref_sys" table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int is_kml_constant | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
char * | column | ||
) |
Checks if a column is actually defined into the given table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | the table to be checked |
column | the column to be checked |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int is_tiny_point_enabled | ( | const void * | ptr | ) |
Checks if the BLOB-TinyPoint encoding is enabled or not.
ptr | the same memory pointer passed to the corresponding call to spatialite_init_ex() and returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_dbf | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | dbf_path, | ||
char * | table, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external DBF file into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
dbf_path | pathname of the DBF file to be imported |
table | the name of the table to be created |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of actually exported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_dbf_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | dbf_path, | ||
char * | table, | ||
char * | pk_column, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external DBF file into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
dbf_path | pathname of the DBF file to be imported |
table | the name of the table to be created |
pk_column | name of the Primary Key column; if NULL or mismatching then "PK_UID" will be assumed by default. |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of actually exported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_dbf_ex2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | dbf_path, | ||
char * | table, | ||
char * | pk_column, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int | text_date, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external DBF file into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
dbf_path | pathname of the DBF file to be imported |
table | the name of the table to be created |
pk_column | name of the Primary Key column; if NULL or mismatching then "PK_UID" will be assumed by default. |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
text_dates | is TRUE all DBF dates will be considered as TEXT |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_dbf_ex3 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | dbf_path, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | pk_column, | ||
const char * | charset, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int | text_date, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | colname_case, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external DBF file into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
dbf_path | pathname of the DBF file to be imported |
table | the name of the table to be created |
pk_column | name of the Primary Key column; if NULL or mismatching then "PK_UID" will be assumed by default. |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
text_dates | is TRUE all DBF dates will be considered as TEXT |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_geojson | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | path, | ||
char * | table, | ||
char * | column, | ||
int | spatial_index, | ||
int | srid, | ||
int | colname_case, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char ** | error_message | ||
) |
Loads an external GeoJSON file into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
path | pathname of the GeoJSON file to be imported |
table | the name of the table to be created |
column | the name of the geometry column. If NULL the column will be silently named "geometry". |
spatial_index | if TRUE an R*Tree Spatial Index will be created |
srid | when positive, the SRID value to be assigned to all Geometries. If 0 or negative SRID=4326 (lon-lat WGS84) will be always assumed accordingly to RFC 7946. |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
error_message | will point to a diagnostic error message in case of failure, otherwise NULL |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_shapefile | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | shp_path, | ||
char * | table, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
int | srid, | ||
char * | column, | ||
int | coerce2d, | ||
int | compressed, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int | spatial_index, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external Shapefile into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
shp_path | pathname of the Shapefile to be imported (no suffix) |
table | the name of the table to be created |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
srid | the SRID to be set for Geometries |
column | the name of the geometry column |
coerce2d | if TRUE any Geometry will be casted to 2D [XY] |
compressed | if TRUE compressed Geometries will be created |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
spatial_index | if TRUE an R*Tree Spatial Index will be created |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_shapefile_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | shp_path, | ||
char * | table, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
int | srid, | ||
char * | geo_column, | ||
char * | gtype, | ||
char * | pk_column, | ||
int | coerce2d, | ||
int | compressed, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int | spatial_index, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external Shapefile into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
shp_path | pathname of the Shapefile to be imported (no suffix) |
table | the name of the table to be created |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
srid | the SRID to be set for Geometries |
geo_column | the name of the geometry column |
pk_column | name of the Primary Key column; if NULL or mismatching then "PK_UID" will be assumed by default. |
coerce2d | if TRUE any Geometry will be casted to 2D [XY] |
compressed | if TRUE compressed Geometries will be created |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
spatial_index | if TRUE an R*Tree Spatial Index will be created |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_shapefile_ex2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | shp_path, | ||
char * | table, | ||
char * | charset, | ||
int | srid, | ||
char * | geo_column, | ||
char * | gtype, | ||
char * | pk_column, | ||
int | coerce2d, | ||
int | compressed, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int | spatial_index, | ||
int | text_date, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external Shapefile into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
shp_path | pathname of the Shapefile to be imported (no suffix) |
table | the name of the table to be created |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
srid | the SRID to be set for Geometries |
geo_column | the name of the geometry column |
pk_column | name of the Primary Key column; if NULL or mismatching then "PK_UID" will be assumed by default. |
coerce2d | if TRUE any Geometry will be casted to 2D [XY] |
compressed | if TRUE compressed Geometries will be created |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
spatial_index | if TRUE an R*Tree Spatial Index will be created |
text_dates | is TRUE all DBF dates will be considered as TEXT |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_shapefile_ex3 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | shp_path, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | charset, | ||
int | srid, | ||
const char * | geo_column, | ||
const char * | gtype, | ||
const char * | pk_column, | ||
int | coerce2d, | ||
int | compressed, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int | spatial_index, | ||
int | text_date, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | colname_case, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external Shapefile into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
shp_path | pathname of the Shapefile to be imported (no suffix) |
table | the name of the table to be created |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
srid | the SRID to be set for Geometries |
geo_column | the name of the geometry column |
pk_column | name of the Primary Key column; if NULL or mismatching then "PK_UID" will be assumed by default. |
coerce2d | if TRUE any Geometry will be casted to 2D [XY] |
compressed | if TRUE compressed Geometries will be created |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
spatial_index | if TRUE an R*Tree Spatial Index will be created |
text_dates | is TRUE all DBF dates will be considered as TEXT |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_XL | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | path, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
unsigned int | worksheetIndex, | ||
int | first_titles, | ||
unsigned int * | rows, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external spreadsheet (.xls) file into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
path | pathname of the spreadsheet file to be imported |
table | the name of the table to be created |
worksheetIndex | the index identifying the worksheet to be imported |
first_titles | if TRUE the first line is assumed to contain column names |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of actually exported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_zip_dbf | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | zip_file, | ||
const char * | dbf_path, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | pk_column, | ||
const char * | charset, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int | text_date, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | colname_case, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external DBF file (from Zipfile) into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
zip_path | pathname of the Zipfile |
shp_path | pseudo-pathname of the Shapefile to be imported (no suffix) |
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
zip_path | pathname of the Zipfile |
filenamepseudo-pathname | of the DBF file to be imported (including the '.dbf' suffix) |
table | the name of the table to be created |
pk_column | name of the Primary Key column; if NULL or mismatching then "PK_UID" will be assumed by default. |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
text_dates | is TRUE all DBF dates will be considered as TEXT |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int load_zip_shapefile | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | zip_path, | ||
const char * | shp_path, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | charset, | ||
int | srid, | ||
const char * | geo_column, | ||
const char * | gtype, | ||
const char * | pk_column, | ||
int | coerce2d, | ||
int | compressed, | ||
int | verbose, | ||
int | spatial_index, | ||
int | text_date, | ||
int * | rows, | ||
int | colname_case, | ||
char * | err_msg | ||
) |
Loads an external Shapefile (from Zipfile) into a newly created table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
zip_path | pathname of the Zipfile |
shp_path | pseudo-pathname of the Shapefile to be imported (no suffix) |
table | the name of the table to be created |
charset | a valid GNU ICONV charset to be used for DBF text strings |
srid | the SRID to be set for Geometries |
geo_column | the name of the geometry column |
pk_column | name of the Primary Key column; if NULL or mismatching then "PK_UID" will be assumed by default. |
coerce2d | if TRUE any Geometry will be casted to 2D [XY] |
compressed | if TRUE compressed Geometries will be created |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
spatial_index | if TRUE an R*Tree Spatial Index will be created |
text_dates | is TRUE all DBF dates will be considered as TEXT |
rows | on completion will contain the total number of imported rows |
err_msg | on completion will contain an error message (if any) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE sqlite3_int64 math_llabs | ( | sqlite3_int64 | value | ) |
A portable replacement for C99 llabs()
value | a 64 bit integer value |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE double math_round | ( | double | value | ) |
A portable replacement for C99 round()
value | a double value |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void remove_duplicated_rows | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table | ||
) |
Remove duplicated rows from a table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table to be cleaned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void remove_duplicated_rows_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
int * | removed | ||
) |
Remove duplicated rows from a table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table to be cleaned |
removed | on successful completion will contain the total count of removed duplicate rows |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void remove_duplicated_rows_ex2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
char * | table, | ||
int * | removed, | ||
int | transaction | ||
) |
Remove duplicated rows from a table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table to be cleaned |
removed | on successful completion will contain the total count of removed duplicate rows |
transaction | boolena; if set to TRUE will internally handle a SQL Transaction |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int sanitize_all_geometry_columns | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | tmp_prefix, | ||
const char * | output_dir, | ||
int * | not_repaired, | ||
char ** | err_msg | ||
) |
Sanitizes all Geometry Columns making all invalid geometries to be valid.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
tmp_prefix | name-prefix for temporary tables |
output_dir | pathname of the directory to be created for report-files |
not_repaired | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total count of repair failures (i.e. Geometries beyond possible repair) |
err_msg | if this variable is not NULL and the return status is ZERO (failure), an appropriate error message will be returned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int sanitize_all_geometry_columns_r | ( | const void * | p_cache, |
sqlite3 * | sqlite, | ||
const char * | tmp_prefix, | ||
const char * | output_dir, | ||
int * | not_repaired, | ||
char ** | err_msg | ||
) |
Sanitizes all Geometry Columns making all invalid geometries to be valid.
p_cache | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
tmp_prefix | name-prefix for temporary tables |
output_dir | pathname of the directory to be created for report-files |
not_repaired | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total count of repair failures (i.e. Geometries beyond possible repair) |
err_msg | if this variable is not NULL and the return status is ZERO (failure), an appropriate error message will be returned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int sanitize_geometry_column | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | geom, | ||
const char * | tmp_table, | ||
const char * | report_path, | ||
int * | n_invalids, | ||
int * | n_repaired, | ||
int * | n_discarded, | ||
int * | n_failures, | ||
char ** | err_msg | ||
) |
Sanitizes a Geometry Column making all invalid geometries to be valid.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table |
geometry | name of the column to be checked |
tmp_table | name of the temporary table |
report_path | pathname of the report-file |
n_invalids | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of invalid Geometries found into the sanitize table |
n_repaired | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of repaired Geometries |
n_discarded | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of repaired Geometries (by discarding fragments) |
n_failures | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of repair failures (i.e. Geometries beyond possible repair) |
err_msg | if this variable is not NULL and the return status is ZERO (failure), an appropriate error message will be returned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int sanitize_geometry_column_r | ( | const void * | p_cache, |
sqlite3 * | sqlite, | ||
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | geom, | ||
const char * | tmp_table, | ||
const char * | report_path, | ||
int * | n_invalids, | ||
int * | n_repaired, | ||
int * | n_discarded, | ||
int * | n_failures, | ||
char ** | err_msg | ||
) |
Sanitizes a Geometry Column making all invalid geometries to be valid.
p_cache | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table |
geometry | name of the column to be checked |
tmp_table | name of the temporary table |
report_path | pathname of the report-file |
n_invalids | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of invalid Geometries found into the sanitize table |
n_repaired | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of repaired Geometries |
n_discarded | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of repaired Geometries (by discarding fragments) |
n_failures | if this variable is not NULL on successful completion will contain the total number of repair failures (i.e. Geometries beyond possible repair) |
err_msg | if this variable is not NULL and the return status is ZERO (failure), an appropriate error message will be returned |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int spatial_ref_sys_init | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | verbose | ||
) |
Inserts the inlined EPSG dataset into the "spatial_ref_sys" table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int spatial_ref_sys_init2 | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | mode, | ||
int | verbose | ||
) |
Inserts the inlined EPSG dataset into the "spatial_ref_sys" table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
mode | can be one of GAIA_EPSG_ANY, GAIA_EPSG_NONE or GAIA_EPSG_WGS84_ONLY |
verbose | if TRUE a short report is shown on stderr |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void* spatialite_alloc_connection | ( | void | ) |
Initializes the internal memory block supporting each connection.
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_cleanup | ( | void | ) |
Cleanup a SpatiaLite connection.
This function is now DEPRECATED; use spatialite_cleanup_ex() for all new development.
This function performs general cleanup, essentially undoing the effect of spatialite_init().
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_cleanup_ex | ( | const void * | ptr | ) |
Cleanup a SpatiaLite connection.
This function performs general cleanup, essentially undoing the effect of spatialite_init_ex().
ptr | the same memory pointer passed to the corresponding call to spatialite_init_ex() and returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_finalize_topologies | ( | const void * | ptr | ) |
Partially Cleaning-up a SpatiaLite connection.
This function will destroy all TopoGeo and TopoNet objects from within a local cache.
ptr | the same memory pointer passed to the corresponding call to spatialite_init_ex() and returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_init | ( | int | verbose | ) |
Initializes a SpatiaLite connection.
This function is now DEPRECATED because is not reentrant (not thread safe); use spatialite_init_ex() for all new development.
verbose | if TRUE a short start-up message is shown on stderr |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_init_ex | ( | sqlite3 * | db_handle, |
const void * | ptr, | ||
int | verbose | ||
) |
Initializes a SpatiaLite connection.
db_handle | handle to the current SQLite connection |
ptr | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
verbose | if TRUE a short start-up message is shown on stderr |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_init_geos | ( | void | ) |
Initializes the GEOS library.
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_initialize | ( | void | ) |
Initializes the library.
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_set_silent_mode | ( | const void * | ptr | ) |
Disables reporting GEOS/RTTOPO error and warnings on stderr.
ptr | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_set_verbode_mode | ( | const void * | ptr | ) |
Enables reporting GEOS/RTTOPO error and warnings on stderr.
ptr | a memory pointer returned by spatialite_alloc_connection() |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE void spatialite_shutdown | ( | void | ) |
Finalizes the library.
SPATIALITE_DECLARE const char* spatialite_target_cpu | ( | void | ) |
Return the target CPU name.
SPATIALITE_DECLARE const char* spatialite_version | ( | void | ) |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char* srid_get_axis | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid, | ||
char | axis, | ||
char | mode | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning an Axis definition
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
axis | should be one of SPLITE_AXIS_1 or SPLITE_AXIS_2 |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char* srid_get_datum | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Datum name
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char* srid_get_prime_meridian | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Prime Meridian name
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char* srid_get_projection | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Projection name
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char* srid_get_spheroid | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Spheroid name
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE char* srid_get_unit | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table then returning the corresponding Unit name
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int srid_has_flipped_axes | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid, | ||
int * | flipped | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table determining if the axes order is X-Y or Y-X
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
flipped | on successful completion will contain 0 (FALSE) if axes order is X-Y, any other value (TRUE) if axes order is Y-X. |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int srid_is_geographic | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid, | ||
int * | geographic | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table determining if it is of the geographic type
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
geographic | on successful completion will contain TRUE or FALSE |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int srid_is_projected | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
int | srid, | ||
int * | projected | ||
) |
checks a SRID definition from the "spatial_ref_sys" table determining if it is of the projected type
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
srid | the SRID value uniquely identifying the required EPSG definition |
projected | on successful completion will contain TRUE or FALSE |
SPATIALITE_DECLARE int update_layer_statistics | ( | sqlite3 * | sqlite, |
const char * | table, | ||
const char * | column | ||
) |
Updates the LAYER_STATICS metadata table.
sqlite | handle to current DB connection |
table | name of the table to be processed |
column | name of the geometry to be processed |